:UpdateDialog;标记检查到更新是要弹出对话框} 让我们再看看CodePush中sync方法具体做了什么处理(代码在node_modules/react-native-code-push/CodePush.js,本地的module代码对应的是react-native-code-push对应的lib库中的com/microsoft/codepush/react/CodePushNativeModule.java): constsync=(()=>{letsyncInProgres...
GitHub:https : //github.com/naoufal/react-native-touch-id/ 该库不再由其开发人员维护,因此无论我们的分析结论如何,都不应再使用该库。 在自述文件中,我们已经可以找到一些信息,表明该库不支持基于结果的生物特征认证。文档中给出的示例代码包含以下代码行: TouchID.authenticate('to demo this react-native c...
React Native 的 API 低於 0.60 Java API 是藉由將 類別匯com.microsoft.codepush.react.CodePush入您的MainActivity.java檔案來提供,而且是由名為CodePush的單一公用類別所組成。 CodePush 建構CodePush 用戶端運行時間,並代表ReactPackage您新增至應用程式套件清單的實例。
Realm React Native SDK 可以帮助您检测和处理同步错误。 例如,您可以编写自己的同步错误处理程序来响应特定错误。 您还可以定义客户端应用程序如何处理客户端重置。 同步错误处理程序 您应为使用 Atlas Device Sync 的应用程序设置错误处理程序。 通用错误处理程序将检测并响应失败的同步相关 API 调用。 添加通用同步错...
/** Update pops a confirmation dialog, and then immediately reboots the app 一键更新,加入的配置项 */ syncImmediate = () => { let deploymentKey = 'rC0WldnclzcbMTsKsvEtlRF0GMz08ae2879f-9331-47b3-a5e0-2466eb275995'; codePush .checkForUpdate(deploymentKey) ...
If you would like to display an update confirmation dialog (an "active install"), configure when an available update is installed (like force an immediate restart) or customize the update experience in any other way, refer to thecodePush()API reference for information on how to tweak this de...
config-optional- configuration object for more detailed dialog setup: title-Android- title of confirmation dialog imageColor-Android- color of fingerprint image imageErrorColor-Android- color of fingerprint image after failed attempt sensorDescription-Android- text shown next to the fingerprint image ...
If you would like to display an update confirmation dialog (an "active install"), configure when an available update is installed (like force an immediate restart) or customize the update experience in any other way, refer to thecodePush()API reference for information on how to tweak this de...
The Reactjs window.confirm() method is a built-in JavaScript function often used in React applications. It displays a browser-native dialog box with a confirmation message and OK/Cancel buttons. When a user interacts with it, the method returns true if t
If you would like to display an update confirmation dialog (an "active install"), configure when an available update is installed (e.g. force an immediate restart) or customize the update experience in any other way, refer to thecodePush()API reference for information on how to tweak this...