touch "${PROJECT_DIR}/../node_modules/react-native-config/ios/ReactNativeConfig/BuildDotenvConfig.rb" 下面的脚本,在上面脚本的下面,紧挨着 # Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace to insert its path. rm /tmp/envfile rm -f "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native-confi...
See `config.log' for more details 过程描述:前几天还是正常运行的,只是换了一个模拟器的机子,就出现了glog/logging.h' file not found ,按照上面的方式执行脚本,但是执行的过程中,出现了 configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables 问题。 解决方法及猜想: 1、glog/logging.h' file not found...
react-native 日常报错 'config.h' file not found 解决 方法 image.png 其实执行 .sh 命令之后Terminal界面的一些处理流程,我们不难看出,这个命令是check .h头文件的引用情况,然后建立关联关系 解决办法 先进入到根目录下 cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4 再执行 ../../scripts/ios-con...
- 升级旧ReactNative版本到目前最新的0.57.8如果采用手动升级需要注意如下。 I upgraded from react-naitve 0.55.4 to react-native 0.57.0 and I get this error bundling failed: Error: The 'decorators' plugin requires a 'decoratorsBeforeExport' option, whose value must be a boolean. If you are migr...
右键项目名,点击newFile菜单 ,创建一个配置文件 将其保存为ios文件夹Config.xcconfig,选中Targets里面的ximalaya 添加 #include? "tmp.xcconfig" 再将以下内容添加到.gitignore中,tmp.config文件是动态生成的,不用提交到git。 # react-native-config codegen ...
Create a new file.envin the root of your React Native app: API_URL= GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=abcdefgh Then access variables defined there from your app: importConfigfrom"react-native-config";Config.API_URL;// ''Config.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY;// 'abcdefgh...
最近react-native项目上需要做文件上传下载的功能,由于才接触react-native不久,好多东西不熟悉,前期花了不少时间去探索,在此记录下探索后的成果文件上传1.文件选择文件上传前需要选择相应的文件,可以使用第三方库react-native-file-selector来选择文件,以下是安卓和IOS上的交互效果 引入react-native-file-selector,该库...
With WebStorm, you can start debugging such React Native applications in several ways: In the scripts section of your package.json file, create a script that runs Expo. Then specify this script as a Before launch task in the React Native run/debug configuration. First run Expo manually or ...
Create a new file.envin the root of your React Native app: API_URL= GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=abcdefgh Then access variables defined there from your app: importConfigfrom"react-native-config";Config.API_URL;// ''Config.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY;// 'abcdefgh...
Create a new file.envin the root of your React Native app: API_URL= GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=abcdefgh Then access variables defined there from your app: importConfigfrom"react-native-config";Config.API_URL;// ''Config.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY;// 'abcdefgh...