getBadgeCount(); Gets the badge count number from the aps object getData() getData(); Gets the data object on the notification getThreadID() getThreadID(); Gets the thread ID on the notificationAbout React Native Push Notification API for iOS. Resources Readme License MIT license Activity...
🚇 The JavaScript bundler for React Native. 🚅 Fast: We aim for sub-second reload cycles, fast startup and quick bundling speeds. ⚖️ Scalable: Works with thousands of modules in a single application. ⚛️ Integrated: Supports every React Native project out of the box. ...
来自react-native-elements 通常用于传达数值或向用户指示商品状态的小组件 标准、迷你、作为指示器 官方文档用法 badgeStyle:obj Badge 背景 视图组件的样式 containerStyle:obj 容器的样式 onPress:function 按下badge时 status:确定指示器的颜色 primary(默认), success, warning, error textStyle:obj icon组件的额外...
2.添加BadgePackage.java类 packagecom.emsapp;**切记改成你自己的包名**importcom.facebook.react.ReactPackage;importcom.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;importcom.facebook.react.bridge.NativeModule;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.Collections;importjava.util.List;importcom.facebook.rea...
android Bump app build number to 280 (#4139) 5年前 app Don't subtract from badge count (#4135) 5年前 assets MM-14038 Access recent reactions from the long press menu (#4058) 5年前 builds/nightlybeta jenkinsfile for weekly beta build (#1649) ...
npm i -S react-native-get-location Go to the folderyour-project/iosand runpod install, and you're done. Android post install For Android you need to define the location permissions onAndroidManifest.xml. <!--Define ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION if you will use enableHighAccuracy=true--><uses-permi...
Remove react-native-gradle-plugin as a dependency from template's package.json (cd79317672 by @cortinico) Use 2g as a default heap size for gradle builds (09e418ef8e) Use new StatusBar API on Android 11 (API 30)+ (50c8e973f0 by @ieatfood) Change static string to public (ab45138394...
android Bump Android build tools version to 28.x and support-core-utils to 28.0.0 6 years ago ios support firebase 5.0 6 years ago .gitignore feature(android): add support for badge count (#207) 8 years ago .npmignore ignore example in npm package 8 years ago
If you want to use react-native-image-crop-picker version >= 0.39.0 you have to set your android compileSdkVersion to 33 or greater. Otherwise use react-native-image-crop-picker version < 0.39.0 Usage Import library importImagePickerfrom'react-native-image-crop-picker'; ...
react-native-dialogslib was upgraded to1.1.2 react-native-gesture-handlerlib was upgraded to2.14.1 react-native-navigationwas upgraded to7.38.3 react-native-sharewas upgraded to10.0.2 Testing notes Test everything thoroughly. Platforms Android ...