npx expo install react-native-passkeys iOS Setup 1. Host an Apple App Site Association (AASA) file For Passkeys to work on iOS, you'll need to host an AASA file on your domain. This file is used to verify that your app is allowed to handle the domain you are trying to authenticate...
Description When you run react-native run-ios, and it launches the packager in a separate window, no environment variables from the context session are passed to the packager process. This breaks any babel plugins that use process.env. R...
$ react-native link react-native-ali-onepass Manual installation iOS In XCode, in the project navigator, right clickLibraries➜Add Files to [your project's name] Go tonode_modules➜react-native-ali-onepassand addRNAliOnepass.xcodeproj ...
1react-native bundle --entry-fileindex.js --platform ios --devfalse--bundle-output ./release_ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ./release_ios 导出ipa时又报了错,应该是plist不对(从其他项目拷过来改的): error: exportArchive: No profilesfor''were found ...
ios react native 热更 react native 热更新原理,很多人在技术选型的时候,会选择RN是因为它具有热更新,而且这是它的一个特性,所以实现起来会相对比较简单,不像原生那样,原生的热更新是一个大工程。那就目前来看,RN的热更新方案已有的,有微软的CodePush和reactnative
React Native: 0.64.x 架构 === 1.1 设计理念 在端上的开发,有前辈总结了一个很精辟的观点:端上的开发无外乎三件事,“数据获取”,“状态管理”,“页面渲染”。而在跨端领域的竟争,我理解是“虚拟机”,“渲染引擎”,“原生交互”,“开发环境”的竟争。而在这几点上,无论是 Flutter 还是 React Native ...
Recording of the talk by Khalef Hosany at React Native Europe 2023, about Microsoft's extensive array of usages of React Native in the company. Sep 7, 2023 0 0 Raising the Bar: Our Journey of Making React Native a Preferred Choice | RNEU 2023 Tommy, Lorenzo Recording of the talk...
We have a react native app which supports CarPlay on iOS. We implemented CarPlay using 'scenes' because we need the 'PointOfInterest' template. After iOS 15 we have a bug on launch and when the last launch happens about 30 min ago. The app skips the SplashScreen and after that every...
This app sends to a ESP32 device the SSID and passphrase to which the IoT device will connect to. It is a react native app, the code is under MIT licence: It features a number of debug information and is meant at testing your firmwar...