The iOS and Android versions of the app share around 98% of the code. The application has been built by using the React Native technology and hybrid platform. Discord was one of the very first apps that used RN. The technology has provided the app abysmal popularity, and there are ...
1.create-react-native-app(下文简称CRNA); 2.Expo(原名Exponent)。 第一步 。先安装create-react-native-app $ npminstall-g create-react-native-app 下一步:创建 native app create-react-native-app nativedemo 等待执行结果,然而。。。 入坑1:为了体验新功能这次直接安装的nodejs最新版npm也升级到了5.4版...
To run from command line try:react-native run-android Server There is a server that the app hits for data. The data is only stored in memory, but it should produce a more realistic environment. In theserverdirectory Install nvm and node-4.2.3 ...
可以参考: 官方文档: 官方示例代码: import React, {Component} from 'react'import {AppState, Text} from'react-native'class AppStateExample extends Component { state={ appState: AppStat...
昨天下午自己动手将Android的原生app中嵌入ReactNative,集成中遇到各种坑,现在写一下集成步骤和坑的解决方法。 集成步骤 1、创建一个Android Studio的项目(已有项目跳过), 本文我创建的项目名为RnProject; 2、打开命令行终端,进入RnProject目录,如下: 3:执行相关的终端命令; ...
首先在RN项目中找到build.gradle以及app.iml文件,build文件代表的是android原生中的一些依赖等配置,app.iml是RN独有的项目配置文件原生的项目是不存在的,里面也是包含了此RN项目的一些配置信息 build.gradle中修改: react-native-vin-ocr为我们刚刚制作好的并且放在node_modules文件夹下的插件 ...
安卓7.1.1 小米6 复现步骤: 先打开example.apk, 然后打开摩拜单车APP java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent { act=permission check ok flg=0x10 } in cn.qiuxiang.react.baidumap.modules.BaiduMapInitializerModule$SDKReceiver@dffceae at andr
<activity android:name="com.facebook.react.devsupport.DevSettingsActivity" /> 集成到自己的项目里 首先,集成 React Native 需要 API 16+ 这才是实际使用中最常用到方式,毕竟依靠纯 React Native 实现一个 App 的情形并不多。 首先,在 app.gradle 中引入依赖: ...
Ans: Sorry but this is not possible with this example. This is a cross platform example which does not provide the same. If you need that in any case then you can seereact-native-immediate-phone-call, with that library no additional user input is required for Android and the call starts...
Appendix D: Adding AndResGuard to the Whitelist in the Obfuscation Configuration File in Android Studio React Native Event Description User Attribute Description Data Export Description Cordova About the Service Version Change History Preparing the Development Environment Configuring App Information...