if (term === "") return alert("Please enter search term!"); dispatch(fetchAsyncMovies(term)); dispatch(fetchAsyncShows(term)); setTerm(""); console.log("term:", term); }; return ( <Link to={"/"}>Movie App</Link> setTerm(e.target.value)}> ...
react-app for movie related searchThis repo contains all the code for the movies.vitordino.com app.this project is built upon significa/frontend-challenge, all design credits go for them.This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb....
通过这个小例子学习了react的哪些知识? 1. 钩子 useState 相当于state和setState ,写法 const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState(""), 2. 钩子 useReduc
举个例子,比如说我们有下图结构的一个组件,在movie list的组件里面有电影数据state,如果要把这个state传给movie组件,我们可以使用props。但是如果要把数组传给search组件,那么props传值就无法实现,通常能想到的办法是把数据的state放到上层组件,再通过props层层下传,这样的话,一方面movie的数据放在app组件不符合业务逻辑,...
A set of live demos inspired by real world apps, built with ReactiveSearch. Web demos/booksearch - An book search app based on a goodbooks dataset. BookSearch with Antd - A demo showing use of Ant design's theming and UI components with ReactiveSearch E-commerce Movie Search - A demo ...
constfoundVideos=filterVideos(videos,searchText); return( <> <SearchInput value={searchText} onChange={newText=>setSearchText(newText)}/> <VideoList videos={foundVideos} emptyHeading={`No matches for “${searchText}”`}/> </> );
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator({Index: Index,History: History,Follow: Follow,Theme: Theme,},DrawerNavigatorConfig);const App = createAppContainer(createStackNavigator({Drawer: Drawer,Search: Search,MovieContent: MovieContent,MovieDetail: MovieDetail,Comment: Comment,}, StackNavigatorConfig)); ...
import React from 'react';import axios from 'axios';export default class Movielist extends React....
const query = document.getElementById('search').value; axios.get(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=${API_KEY}&query=${query}`) .then(res => { const title = res.data['results'][0]['title']; this.setState({ title });})}...
[movieapp] (https://github.com/junedomingo/movieapp) : Discover Movies and TV shows - React Native 框架 React-Native开发的库/ SDK类型。 NativeBase:一款融合了ES6用于在React Native上创建创建高质量的Android&iOS APP的框架。 tcomb-form-native:强大的表单处理控件,支持 JSON 模式,可插拔的外观和感觉...