Describe the bug The default .eslintrc.cjs file included in packages/create-vite/template-react and packages/create-vite/template-react-ts has a linter error in a freshly generated app. 'module' is not defined Reproduction https://stackb...
Description I'm using react-router-config to config my routers, encounter the following error. WHY!😂 ⚛️🔥😭: hot update was not successful collapseRetry (1/1) hot update failed for module "./src/App.tsx". Last file processed: "". and the c.
__webpack_require__(31); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // SASS // react-dom ReactDOM.render(_react2.default.createElement( 'h1', null, 'Hello, world!' ), document.getElementById('app')); 慕田峪6302525 2018-05-...
如果你的代码本身没有添加import React from 'react',那么最终编译到了js代码(无论是commonjs还是esmodule),也不会引入React,然而代码却调用的是:React.createElement。正是因为如此,所以才会有我们日常小伙伴会发现,项目能够编译通过,但是运行起来的时候,会提示:...
我有一个包含utils文件的Node服务器,如下所示://module.exports = { update };"'update' is not definedno-undef" 为了解决这个问题,我必须添加const关键字。为什么只在React中需要声明函数? 浏览0提问于2020-09-17得票数 1 1回答 使用useState时,我会使用React和Material“未能编译”“未定义” ...
要解决 React 中的“Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined” 错误,需要在项目的根目录中打开终端并通过运行npm install react-scripts@latest更新react-scripts包的版本,并在必要时重新安装依赖项。 在项目的根目录(package.json 文件所在的位置)目录中打开终端并运行以下命令。
configure:{// webpack 5 引入js 必须完全声明路径,这个配置是排除这个报错module:{rules:[{test:/\.m?js/,resolve:{fullySpecified:false},},],},},}, svg namespace 这个报错是antd的Avatar上,加入svg图标报错。 似乎是webpack5 对svg格式要求更严格导致的。
Module not found: Can't resolve 'canvas' Why do we see this error?canvasmodule is used for canvas rendering in Node.JS environment.konvalibrary will use it there, but it doesn't have this dependency explicitly. How to solver this issue? There are two approaches: ...
clientConfig.plugins.push(newWriteFilePlugin({log:false}));// Hot Module Replacement (HMR) + React Hot Reloadif(isDebug) { clientConfig.entry.client= [...newSet(['babel-polyfill','react-hot-loader/patch','webpack-hot-middleware/client', ...