Set up a project board on GitHub to streamline and automate your workflow. Learn More Created with Sketch. Sort tasks Add issues and pull requests to your board and prioritize them alongside note cards containing ideas or task lists. Created with Sketch. Plan your project Sort tasks into ...
Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever. - mui/material-ui
Forhow-toquestions and other non-issues, please useStackOverflowinstead of Github issues. There is a StackOverflow tag called "material-ui" that you can use to tag your questions. Examples Are you looking for an example project to get started?We host some. ...
For how-to questions and other non-issues, please use StackOverflow instead of Github issues. There is a StackOverflow tag called "material-ui" that you can use to tag your questions.ExamplesAre you looking for an example project to get started? We host some.Documentation...
React Material Dashboard GitHub: MaterialUI is a suite of components based on Google’s material design standards. It is made up of a plethora of UI widgets that are both accessible and customizable. Furthermore, the components are self-contained and only inject the styles required to display,...
包含Google's Material Design 系统的组件库 提供Joy UI 和 Base UI 两个美观设计的 React UI 组件库 MUI System 是一套 CSS 实用工具集,帮助快速布局自定义设计 llvm/llvm-project Stars:25.9kLicense:NOASSERTION llvm-project 是一个模块化和可重用的编译器和工具链技术集合。 该项目的主要功能、关键特性、核...
UI 组件库 React.js 2023 一整年 NPM 只有 2 个组件库下载量超 1亿, 分别是 Material-UI 与react-bootstrap第三名是 ant-design 下载量 6000 万 ⭐ material-ui (MUI) : 世界第一 UI 组件库, 使用人数超多 ⭐ ant-design : 阿里巴巴 ( 查看antd 团队的其他作品 ) ⭐ chakra-ui ⭐ mantine ...
A Generic, extendible Carousel UI component for React using Material UI. Latest version: 3.4.2, last published: 3 years ago. Start using react-material-ui-carousel in your project by running `npm i react-material-ui-carousel`. There are 79 other projects
Material UI has over100 components; the documentation has a general guide for all React-based frameworks. The project has over82,000 stars on GitHub. DoesMaterial Designeven need an introduction anymore? The MUI library implements the entire Google design system into an extended React library. MUI...
Material UI React Bootstrap 1. React Bootstrap React 动画 任何 web 应用程序中的动画都是从 CSS ...