Berry Free React Material UI Admin Template Berry is a free Material UI admin dashboard template built with React. It is meant to provide the best possible User Experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages. It is a complete Dashboard Template that has easy and intuitive responsive desig...
Also, this free react template comes with 1500+ supported icons and has an excellent code quality feature. The Shards free React website template is super lightweight and optimized for performance.View SiteMatX – Material UI React Dashboard Template...
地址: 如果您正在寻找功能强大的React仪表板模板,Carolina Admin Dashboard提供了启动和运行Web项目所需的一切。这个漂亮的模板建立在Material-UI框架之上,并遵循Google所有的Material Design指南,提供了干净整洁的设计。最后但并非最不重要的...
MatX is a full-featured React Material UI Admin Dashboard template. MatX is built with React, Redux & Material UI We implemented all the features you might need to start a new Web application. The free version includes all Material UI components, Form elements, and validation, JWT authenticati...
MatX是在Material Design之上构建的精美的React Native模板。这个Admin Dashboard模板是使用React,Redux和Material UI构建的,它包含了使Web应用程序焕然一新所需的所有基本功能。MatX的免费版本可用于轻松设置管理面板,用户管理系统和项目管理系统。 特征: 材质UI组件和元素 ...
Fully Coded Components- Soft UI Material-UI React is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. This open-source Material-UI React Template is coming with prebuilt design blocks...
所有的源码在GitHub上: 前文开发的桌面版本Admin Template如下所示但是当前的版本是静态的版本,不包含数据交互,不能够通过外部数据驱动图形的变化…
MatX is an amazing free React admin template. It is built with React, Redux & Material UI.We have implemented all the features you might need to start a new Web application. This Free ReactAdmin Template includes all Material UI components, Form elements, and validation. Also, JWTAuthenticatio...
Boost your web application with our top-quality React Admin Dashboard template. Access free and premium UI kits & templates built with React, Next.js, Angular, Vue, Nuxtjs, Laravel, Figma.
链接: react-admin 4.png 它易于学习、健壮、稳定,并且编码起来很愉快。 使用React和Material Design的前端框架。 这是一个自己动手的模板,旨在用于现有 API 之上,以可视化数据并与之交互。