项目中要实现类似与vant的DropdownMenu:下拉菜单。看了vans 的效果 其实也没什么难度,于是动手鲁了一个这样的组件。 项目的技术栈为react全家桶+materialUI+ ant Design mobile。 vans的效果 我自己实现的效果 思路 常规做法 代码语言:javascript 复制 获取dom元素,动态修改选中dom的innerHtml。 当然这种方式不是react...
针对Material-ui 版本 1: 使用MenuProps 属性来覆盖下拉菜单的样式。 Select-API 尝试一下吧! const styles = theme => ({ dropdownStyle: { border: "1px solid black", borderRadius: "5%", backgroundColor:'lightgrey', }, }); 将样式应用于MenuProps <Select value={this.state.age} onChange={th...
One of the benefits of using Material UI icons other than the fact that it’s huge with multiple variants is that it is supported by all major platforms, as well as browsers and if you ever get stuck you can definitely check out theirGitHub repo. If that’s not enough, they have an ...
npm地址:www.npmjs.com/package/rea… 11. react-dropdown react-dropdown 是一个简单的下拉组件,灵感来自于react-select。 npm地址:www.npmjs.com/package/rea… 12. react-horizontal-scrolling-menu react-horizontal-scrolling-menu 是一个水平滚动菜单组件。 npm地址:www.npmjs.com/package/rea… 13. react...
导航型组件: 比如面包屑Breadcrumb, 下拉菜单Dropdown, 菜单Menu等. 数据录入型组件: 比如form表单, Switch开关, Upload文件上传等. 数据展示型组件: 比如Avator头像, Table表格, List列表等. 反馈型组件: 比如Progress进度条, Drawer抽屉, Modal对话框等. ...
classDropdownDemoextendsReact.Component{ handleMenuClick=key=>{ Message.success(`菜单Item onClick${key}`); Expand All@@ -46,36 +47,42 @@ export default class DropdownDemo extends React.Component { <p style={{ marginBottom:10}}>箭头居中</p> ...
React Native Templatewith a beautiful UI. Getting started npminstallreact-native-element-dropdown--save or yarnaddreact-native-element-dropdown Demo Dropdown Props MultiSelect Props SelectCountry extends Dropdown Method Dropdown example importReact,{useState}from'react';import{StyleSheet,Text,View}from...
《精通react/vue组件设计》之用纯css打造类materialUI的按钮点击动画并封装成react组件 《精通react/vue组件设计》之快速实现一个可定制的进度条组件 《精通react/vue组件设计》之基于jsoneditor二次封装一个可实时预览的json编辑器组件(react版) 笔者已经将组件库发布到npm上了, 大家可以通过npm安装的方式体验组件....
with intuitive React UI tools MUI offers a comprehensive suite of free UI tools to help you ship new features faster. Start with Material UI, our fully-loaded component library, or bring your own design system to our production-ready components. ...
[x] Row Ordering via Drag'n'Drop [x] Row Pinning [x] Row Selection (Checkboxes) [x] SSR compatible [x] Sorting (supports client-side and server-side) [x] Theming (Respects your Material UI Theme) [x] Toolbars (Add your own action buttons) ...