${scripts.map(script => { return `<script src="/dist/${script.file}"></script>` }).join('\n')} </body> </html> `); Readme KeywordsnonePackage Sidebar Install npm i react-loadable Repository github.com/thejameskyle/react-loadable Homepage github.com/thejameskyle/react-loadable#read...
Some component may depend on other vendors which you may not want to load them until you really need them. So here it is, useHigh Order Componentto decorate your component and it will handle lazy loading for you, it support parallel and sequential loading. Installation npm install --save r...
react-inject-script Dynamically inject <script> to your react app html file. Benefit, we can load desired library on demand instead of load everything on start up.Installationyarn add react-inject-scriptUsageimport injectScript from 'react-inject-script'; ... injectScript('any-unique-name', ...
实际上,这里将空对象{}断言为IUser接口就是欺骗了TypeScript的编译器,由于后面的代码可能会依赖这个对象,所以应该在使用前及时初始化 user 的值,否则就会报错。 下面是声明文件中 useState 的定义: functionuseState<S>(initialState: S | (() => S)): [S, Dispatch<SetStateAction<S>>];//convenience over...
npm install @monaco-editor/react#or @monaco-editor/react@next for React v19 or yarn add @monaco-editor/react or you can useCDN.Here is an example NOTE: ForTypeScripttype definitions, this package uses themonaco-editorpackage as a peer dependency. So, if you need types and don't already...
rpc rest typescript typescript-rest react-query nestjs http api type safe Provenance Failed to load provenance Try AgainShare feedbackPackage Sidebar Install npm i @ts-rest/react-query Repository github.com/ts-rest/ts-rest Homepage github.com/ts-rest/ts-rest#readme Weekly Downloads 36,435 Ve...
AlphaTabApi(element); </script> alphaTab.js 本身提供了 ES6 标准下的 npm 包,我这里只是举个例子。 但是你的 vue.js 只允许通过 npm install 的方式安装包和 import 的方式调用包。那么怎么做才能引入这个包呢? 普通的方法 很多人能想到的办法无非如下几条: 直接在 SPA 的入口文件 index.html 中加入这个...
$ git clone https://github.com/NativeScript/NativeScript.git $cdNativeScript#setup workspace for development$ npm run setup#list all available commands to run$ npm start We love you and your pull requests 🤗. Please follow ourcontributing guideand seeour code of governanceto become as involved...
npm install @monaco-editor/react # or @monaco-editor/react@next for React v19oryarn add @monaco-editor/reactor you can use CDN. Here is an exampleNOTE: For TypeScript type definitions, this package uses the monaco-editor package as a peer dependency. So, if you need types and don't ...
// This is used by a bazillion of npm modules we don't control so we don't // have other choice than defining it as an env variable here. process.env.NODE_ENV = args.dev ? 'development' : 'production'; let sourceMapUrl = args.sourcemapOutput; ...