Thisthresholdoption allows you to specify how much of the element must be shown on the screen prior to loading. This requires awidthandheightto be set on the<LazyLoad>component in order for the browser to calcualte the viewable area.
UsingLazyLoadcomponent will help ease this situation by only updating components visible in viewport. Contributors lancehub doug-wade ameerthehacker License MIT Install npm ireact-lazyload Repository Homepage
LazyLoad { opacity: 0; transition: all 1s ease-in-out; } .is-visible { opacity: 1; } Props offset Type: Number|String Default: 0 The offset option allows you to specify how far below, above, to the left, and to the right of the viewport you want to begin displaying your content....
importReactfrom'react';import{LazyLoadImage}from'react-lazy-load-image-component';constMyImage=({image})=>(<LazyLoadImagealt={image.alt}height={image.height}src={image.src}// use normal attributes as propswidth={image.width}/>{image.caption});exportdefaultMyImage; Props PropTypeDefaultDescrip...
import{LazyLoad}from'react-observer-api';exportdefault()=>{conststyle={padding:10};return{<LazyLoadas="span"style={style}forceVisible><>...Component goes here...</></LazyLoad>}} For IE support, need to addpolyfill You can import the polyfill directly or use a service like ...
前言 以前用jquery开发的时候经常使用jquery.lazyload进行图片的滚动加载,但是到了react体系之后就不太好了,因为不能直接操作DOM元素。所以就找了这个组件react-lazy-load。 使用方法 1. 安装 npm install --save react-lazy-load 2. 编写组件 import React from "react";
importReactfrom'react';importLazyLoadfrom'react-lazy-load';constMyComponent=()=>( Scroll to load images. <LazyLoadheight={762}offsetVertical={300}> </LazyLoad> <LazyLoadheight={683}offsetTop={200}> </LazyLoad> <LazyLoadheight={480}offsetHorizontal={50}> ...
importReactfrom'react';import{LazyLoadImage}from'react-lazy-load-image-component';import'react-lazy-load-image-component/src/effects/blur.css';constMyImage=({image})=>(<LazyLoadImagealt={image.alt}effect="blur"wrapperProps={{// If you need to, you can tweak the effect transition using the...
react-lazyload/src/ Go to file react-lazyload/src/ Latest commit ianhu92 feat: support setting style to wrapper div … e0d0e33 Oct 23, 2020 feat: support setting style to wrapper div e0d0e33 Git stats History Files Permalink Failed to load latest commit information. Type Name...
Lazyload your React component and nicely fade in when it's ready.Try the demoThe problemYou have a slow component like a large image or complex widget, but want to keep your webapp fast.You could use react-lazyload to render that component only when it's on screen, but it looks weird ...