product主要监听页面的scroll 和 resize 的变化获取 当前页面的top 位子和 bottom 位置然后向下传递 代码如下 监听 window.addEventListener('scroll', this.updateViewport, false); window.addEventListener('resize', this.updateViewport, false); 获取 updateViewport() { this.setState({ viewport : { viewTop: ...
React Lazy Load Component React Lazy Load is an easy-to-use React component which helps you defer loading content in predictable way. It's fast, You can also use component inside scrolling container, such as div with scrollbar. It will be found automatically. Check out an example. ...
importReactfrom'react';import{LazyLoadImage,trackWindowScroll}from'react-lazy-load-image-component';constGallery=({ images, scrollPosition})=>({><LazyLoadImagekey={image.key}alt={image.alt}height={image.height}// Make sure to pass down the scrollPosition,// this will be ...
* @param {node} component React component * @param {node} parent component's scroll parent * @return {bool} */ const checkOverflowVisible = function checkOverflowVisible(component, parent) { const node = ReactDom.findDOMNode(component); let parentTop; let parentHeight; try { ({ top: pare...
React Lazy Load Component React Lazy Load is an easy-to-use React component which helps you defer loading content in predictable way. It's fast, You can also use component inside scrolling container, such as div with scrollbar. It will be found automatically. Check out an example. ...
For example, if we have anAppwhich renders aGallery, we would wrap theGallerycomponent with the HOC. importReactfrom'react';import{LazyLoadImage,trackWindowScroll}from'react-lazy-load-image-component';constGallery=({images,scrollPosition})=>({><LazyLoadImagekey={image.key}al...
</LazyComponent> <InScreenComponents></InScreenComponents> </View> ); } return( <LazyloadView _onScroll={(e)=>{ }}> _onScrollEndDrag={(e)=>{ }} _renderHeader={(e)=>{ //when add this props please return something return(<Text>HEADER</Text>); ...
{StyleSheet,View,Text,// Image,ScrollView,}from'react-native'importImagefrom'../components/Image'exportdefaultclassImageDemoextendsComponent{constructor(props){super(props);this.state={y:0}this._onScroll=this._onScroll.bind(this)}// 滑动触发_onScroll(e){// 获取滑动的距离let{y}=e.nativeEvent...
React will load LazyComponent only when it’s about to be rendered. By following these steps, you’ve successfully implemented lazy loading in React. Interested to know the implementation of the callback function in javascript, then do checkout our blog on what is callback function in ...
可以使用react-native-lazy-load库,或者自己实现onScroll和onLayout回调函数。 代码示例: importReact,{useState,useEffect}from'react';import{View,Text,FlatList,Image,ActivityIndicator,StyleSheet}from'react-native';import{LazyloadView}from'react-native-lazyload';constItem=({item})=>{return(<Viewstyle={styles...