I drew a ton of design ideas fromreact-json-tree. Thanks to the RJT contributors for putting together an awesome component! I'm also inspired by users who come up with interesting feature requests. Reach out to me with ideas for this project or other projects you want to collaborate on. ...
Welcome to the JsonViewer component library! This React-based tool is designed to render JSON data in a beautifully structured, collapsible format. It offers a convenient and intuitive way to visualize JSON structures, with features that enhance both fun
React JSON Viewer Component, Extracted fromredux-devtools. Supportsiterableobjects, such asImmutable.js. Usage importJSONTreefrom'react-json-tree'// If you're using Immutable.js: `npm i --save immutable`import{Map}from'immutable'// Inside a React component:constjson={array:[1,2,3],bool:tru...
React JSON Viewer组件,从redux-devtools提取。支持iterable对象,例如不可变.js.Usageimport JSONTree from 'react-json-tree' // If you're using Immutable.js: `npm i --save immutable` import { Map } from 'immutable' // Inside a React component: const json = { array: [1, 2, 3], bool: ...
react-json-view RJV is a React component for displaying and editing javascript arrays and JSON objects.This component provides a responsive interface for displaying arrays or JSON in a web browser. NPM offers a distribution of the source that's transpiled to ES5; so you can include this ...
所谓的 Server Component 其实就是在 Server 端将组件进行序列化后返回给 Client 端,Client 端再解析成...
importReactfrom'react'import{Log,VisualizerProvider,traceLifecycle,}from'react-lifecycle-visualizer'classTracedComponentextendsReact.Component{state={loaded:false,}componentDidMount(){this.props.onMount()}render(){returnTraced Component}}constEnhancedTracedComponent=traceLifecycle(TracedComponent)constApp=()=...
React Native JSON Viewer Component, based on react-json-tree. Supports iterable objects, such as Immutable.js.4. Themeable JSON Editor For React – JSON ViewDemo Download A lightweight, customizable, themeable JSON editor & viewer component for React applications.5. json-schema-viewerDemo...
return Traced Component } } const EnhancedTracedComponent = traceLifecycle(TracedComponent) const App = () => ( <VisualizerProvider> <EnhancedTracedComponent /> <Log /> </VisualizerProvider> ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
["$","section","94",{"className":"col note-viewer","children":["$","$3",null,{"fall...