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This is an optional feature. You can study at W3Schools without using My Learning. Create React App To learn and test React, you should set up a React Environment on your computer. This tutorial uses thecreate-react-app. Thecreate-react-apptool is an officially supported way to create Reac...
sudo npm install -gcreate-react-appcreate-react-appmy-app 4. 安装结束 cdmy-appnpm start 5. 其他(option) sudo npm install -gbrowser-syncBrowsersync能让浏览器实时、快速响应您的文件更改(html、js、css、sass、less等)并自动刷新页面。 更重要的是 Browsersync可以同时在PC、平板、手机等设备下进项调试。
Conditional Rendering Conditional Rendering (docs) JavaScript Sorting Arrays React ES6 Spread Operator
Install library from npm npm install react-native-svg --save NOTICE: react-native-svg >= 3.2.0 only supports react-native >= 0.29.0 react-native-svg >= 4.2.0 only supports react-native >= 0.32.0 react-native-svg >= 4.3.0 only supports react-native >= 0.33.0 react-native-svg >...
npm install react-img-editor-en -S 🔨 Import and use import ReactImgEditor from 'react-img-editor-en' import 'react-img-editor-en/assets/index.css' <ReactImgEditor src="" /> 🧰 API PropertyDescriptionTypeDefault Value src image url strin...
React(也称为 ReactJS)是一个 JavaScript 库,由脸书( )开发,用于创建 Web 用户界面。 React 是由乔丹·沃克发明的,他当时正在做脸书的广告。它与其他 web 框架和库如 jQuery、Angular、Vue.js、Svelte 等竞争。 在2017 年 9 月发布的上一版本 React 16.x 中,React 团...
If you have experience with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, you’re already very close to using React. Before you can build anything with React, though, you need to install: Node.js: an open-source runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript code on the server-side. ...
js_effect: 指定元素显示的动画效果,基于velocity.js动画实现。使用之前需加载velocity.js。 css_effect: 指定元素显示的动画效果,基于animate.css动画实现。使用之前需安装animate.css。 parent: 用于指定动画效果作用于元素的哪个父级元素。可取值: 父元素的 selector 选择器(字符串) ...
(min-width: 650px)" srcSet="" /> <Lazyimg className="lazy" src={''} js_effect="transition.expandIn" /> </picture> 复制代码 直接上效果了 作者:singsong 链接:看完你也想编写自己...