16 Best Free React UI Libraries in 2024 · 1. TailwindCSS · 2. MUI · 3. Chakra UI · 4. Ant Design · 5. React Suite · 6. React Bootstrap · 7.
Since Vue has HTML templates as a core part of its design and does not have custom rendering as a current feature, it’s hard to see that a native counterpart for Vue.js in its current form will be as tight as what React.js and React Native are. If you want the biggest ecosystem, ...
地址:https://blueprintjs.com/ 又一个很棒的 React UI 库。该库针对构建复杂的数据密集型界面桌面应用程序进行了优化。 6、 Semantic UI React 地址:https://react.semantic-ui.com/ 它与React Bootstrap 非常相似,因为它是 Semantic UI 的 React 版本,Semantic UI ...
The Syncfusion React UI components library offers more than 85 cross-platform, responsive, and lightweight components for building modern web applications.
The Syncfusion React UI components library offers more than 85 cross-platform, responsive, and lightweight components for building modern web applications.
一个灵活且美观的 ReactJS 选择输入控件,具有多选、自动完成、异步和可创建的支持。 framer-motion image.png 专门为react准备的动画库。 chakra-ui image.png ChakraUI是一个简单、模块化且可访问的组件库,为您提供构建 React 应用程序所需的构建块。
地址:https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react 20.React desktop 这个组件库的 Star 数超过 7K,它旨在将原生桌面体验移植到 Web 端。它包含很多 macOS Sierra 和 Windows 10 组件,可以用在任意基于 JS 的项目中,这个项目正在寻求贡献者。
Next UI has over40 components; the documentation has a general guide for all React-based frameworks and Next.js specifically. The project has over8,200 stars on GitHub. NextUI uses one of the libraries – as the base – we looked at earlier – Geist. The intricate approach to detail by...
React Bootstrap是我们老朋友 Bootstrap 在 React 中的重构版本。它是一个独立的 Bootstrap 组件的 UI 库,不依赖于 bootstrap.js 或jQuery。 React Bootstrap 提供了一个组件库,这些组件具有易于使用的功能、状态管理和默认可访问性,使其成为开始构建应用程序 UI 的不错选择。
KendoReact UI libraries are also included in Kendo UI and DevCraft bundles.Learn more. React Dashboard App Built with KendoReact Meet even the strictest requirements for performance, design and UX, accessibility, and so much more with this customizable, designer and developer-friendly React UI l...