jQWidgets enables responsive web development and helps you create apps and websites that look beautiful on desktops, tablets and smart phones. You can use jQWidgets with TypeScript, popular frameworks like Angular, Vue, React and server-side technologies like ASP.NET MVC, PHP, JSP and Node.js...
Software Developer Nice suite of components A very complete set of components, that has an edge on other major vendors which offer components. A lot less code required to use and code samples for more complete components. Integrates well with other 3rd party components. ...
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library that makes developing interactive user interfaces simple. Here are 391,894 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp ...
Is something missing? Not working? Or any feature requests? Just email us, we love to improve our software. Email can be foundhere. npm ireactjs-loading-button Homepage algobook.info/ Weekly Downloads 1 Version 1.0.5 Total Files 6
Content management: let marketing drag/drop your React components to build landing pages in your Next.js website, with design guardrails Applications: let developers and technical users quickly build internal tools, client portals, and business software ...
How did you hear about us?Laravel communityLaravel PartnersVue.js PartnersGoogleTwitterLinkedInWord of mouthConference or eventReferralOther / not sure Sign me up to receive occasional email insights from Tighten By submitting this form, you acknowledge ourPrivacy Notice. ...
Handsontable is a data grid component written in JavaScript, not a spreadsheet. However, it brings in many features typically found in spreadsheet software. We designed it this way because spreadsheet-like patterns are often the most user-friendly when it comes to data entry and management. ...
轻量级具有预览功能的 Markdown 编辑器,基于Textarea 封装,不依赖第三方编辑器,使用 React.js 和 TypeScript 实现。 展开 收起 暂无标签 https://uiw.gitee.io/react-md-editor/ TypeScript 等4 种语言 TypeScript 91.9% Less 6.6% HTML 1.4% Shell 0.1% MIT 使用MIT 开源许可协议 保存...
All in all, this JS library is extremely handy when you’re a budding program developer who would like something with easy presets for dynamic user interfaces. However, React does not fully extend to the mobile application scene since it isonly concerned with rendering data. It’s a code lib...
The software allows answering math questions of different difficulty and enhances mental and cognitive skills. They made the math game with React Native and available on Android only. Before working with React Native, the Math Warriors team developed many hybrid web apps with Cordova and AngularJS....