Simple react.js quiz app. Contribute to Payne680/React-Quiz-webapp development by creating an account on GitHub.
This React project is a quiz game that allows users to answer a series of questions. The game has different screens for loading, error handling, starting the game, playing the quiz, and finishing the quiz. It also includes a timer and tracks the user's points and high score. Project Stru...
none npm ianish-react-quiz Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 0 License none Unpacked Size 5.4 kB Last publish a year ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit Reportmalware
之前是想学React-Native来简化APP开发的,就先学了React.js,目前反而也只是在用React.js + Webpack做做H5的小项目,用它做项目也做了十几个了吧,因为我算是后端转前端,感觉React.js是我一直在寻找的WEB前端开发方式,模块化、全代码、逻辑易分离、易做配置、各种自动化工具(less、autoprefixer、uglifyjs、fontmin....
react-quizzes Demo: React form builder and form delivery solution for admins and clients that makes forms easy peasy. Inspired by abandoned project: Advantages: Supports custom inputs Rich text questions...
可以看到,我们可以将组件如上面那样导出,然后我们就可以单独引入一个js文件,再引入相关的组件即可使用。如下: import{ Content, NavList, LeftMenu }from'./components/index'; 2.react组件如何渲染html字符串 react提供了一个 dangerouslySetInnerHTML 属性,这个属性的属性值是一个以 __html 作为属性,值是 html ...
可以看到,我们可以将组件如上面那样导出,然后我们就可以单独引入一个js文件,再引入相关的组件即可使用。如下: import{ Content, NavList, LeftMenu }from'./components/index'; 2.react组件如何渲染html字符串 react提供了一个 dangerouslySetInnerHTML 属性,这个属性的属性值是一个以 __html 作为属性,值是 html ...
241 CHALLENGE #2 Refactoring React Quiz to Context API 08:23 242 Section Overview 01:04 243 Performance Optimization and Wasted Renders 06:07 244 The Profiler Developer Tool 08:22 245 A Surprising Optimization Trick With children 11:50
Navigation and Routing: Explore React Router 6 for seamless app navigation. Data Handling: Utilize axios and redux-toolkit for efficient data management. Project-Based Learning: Build over 25 real-world projects including a Birthday Reminder, E-Commerce Site, Quiz App, and a GitHub Users Explorer...
指向我的github存储库的链接在这里: 以下是服务工作者文件代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 const CACHE_NAME = "cache-v1" const urlsToCache = [ '/', '/index.html', '/static/js/bundle.js', '/static/js/0.chunk.js', '/static/js/main.chunk....