注:头图来自于https://ihatetomatoes.net/react-state-management-tutorial-do-you-really-need-redux-or-mobx/ React里的组件,有从父级组件传下来的props,也可以有自己的状态state。在state改变时,会触发组件重新render。 但是在实际开发中,经常会在state上很纠结,比如下面这些问题: 哪些是state:组件上有很多状态...
In this article, we will learn about how to handle global state management using the MobX state management library. I am explaining the need for state management using the below scenario. What is State in React JS? The state is information/object/ data which can be stored in a central pl...
* [react-redux](https://codesandbox.io/s/github/reduxjs/redux-essentials-counter-example/tree/master/?from-embed=\&file=/src/features/counter/counterSlice.js) * mobx import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx" import { observer } ...
MobX is a simple, scalable, boilerplate-free state management solution. It allows you to manage application state outside of any UI framework, making the code decoupled, portable and, above all, easy to test. It implements observable values, which are essentially using the publish/subscribe patt...
如果你特别喜欢Vue的可变范式,那你可以选择的有Mobx、Valtio 如果你觉得使用React内置的机制就够,那你可以选择的有Jotai,Recoil 如果你觉得状态管理库应该框架无关,可以和任何框架搭配使用,方便后期切换UI框架,那你可以选择的有Redux、Mobx 部分参考文献: https://fe-tool.com/awesome-react-state-management...
one more time one more chance. 一歩重头学前端, MobX。 Mobx是个简单且实用的 JS 库,可以用于 React 项目管理组件间的状态。下面7个技巧是实战中总结出来的。 MobX: Simple, scalable state management Tip#1 正确理解概念 MobX 大部分概念非常好理解,在深入理解每一个之前,大概在脑子里画个蓝图有助于掌握Mob...
The most well-liked global state solutions are Redux, MobX, and Zustand. The scale of your project, your needs, and the level of competence of your engineers will all influence your decision. 1. Redux Redux is a JavaScript state management framework. It is most frequently used in conjunction...
MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP) 大家注意两点battle tested,transparently applying functional reactive programming mobx做了大量的工作,能让你只关注操作对象属性即可,而背后的理念,就一句话 ...
( 参考代码:https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/mobx-state-tree-getting-started-13-6j3qy74kpw?file=%2Findex.js%3A126%2C47-126%2C55和 https://codesandbox.io/s/mst-demo-8jw9tc) https://medium.com/react-native-training/state-management-with-mobx-state-tree-373f9f2dc68a ...
MobX构建store,相当于model层,model层负责调用Api 相比于 Redux(dispatch(action) -> reducer -> new state)流程,MobX 的 store 类看起来自然简洁; 另外,Redux 需要依赖中间件,比如插件 Redux-thunk 调用 Api,而 MobX 不需要。 最后,需通过 store.subscribe 异步获取 Redux 更新组件,而 MobX 是同步响应式更新。