Hindi/locales/gregorian_hi/locales/persian_hi/locales/persian_hi/locales/arabic_hi/locales/indian_hi Of course, you can customize the names of the months and days of the week in both the calendar & input by using themonthsandweekDaysProps. ...
Please explore the current repository to learn more about my experience with the JavaScript/TypeScript and React/Next.js ecosystems. I'm available for both remote work and full-time positions. While my primary focus is frontend and CLI development, if you need help with code automation tools, ...
Please explore the current repository to learn more about my experience with the JavaScript/TypeScript and React/Next.js ecosystems. I'm available for both remote work and full-time positions. While my primary focus is frontend and CLI development, if you need help with code automation tools, ...
Hindi /locales/gregorian_hi /locales/persian_hi /locales/persian_hi /locales/arabic_hi /locales/indian_hi Of course, you can customize the names of the months and days of the week in both the calendar & input by using the months and weekDays Props. Also, you can create a custom Calendar...
min.js"> <!-- DatePicker and dependencies--> <!-- Optional Plugin -->