International phone number<input/>for React. See Demo Install npm install react-phone-number-input --save If you're not using a bundler then use astandalone version from a CDN. The component useslibphonenumber-jsfor phone number parsing and formatting. ...
Readme Keywords react-native phone telephone phone input input tel input text international react-native-component ios androidPackage Sidebar Install npm i react-native-phone-input Repository Homepage Weekly ...
我使用库react-international-phone进行电话输入集成,它公开了UsePhoneInputConfig类型,如下所示:类型 UsePhoneInputConfig = { onChange?:(数据:{电话:字符串...
☎︎ react-international-phone: A Phone Number Input Component— Not only can you pick a country, it can also guess the country from a number, where possible. react-phone-number-input is another option in this space. Yurii Brusentsov ...
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { View, Text } from 'react-native'; import { PhoneInput } from 'react-native-international-phone-number'; export default function App() { const [selectedCountry, setSelectedCountry] = useState(undefined); const [inputValue, setInputValue] =...
React Native Phone is a comprehensive phone input solution for React Native applications. It provides a highly customizable phone number input component with international format support and country selection capabilities. Key Features International phone number formatting Country selection with search Custom ...
UNPKG react-phone-number-input/commonjs/ Version: 12.5 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw 1{"version":3,"file":"CountrySelect.js","names":["_react","_interopRequireWildcard","require","_propTypes","_interopRequireDefault","_classnames","_unicode","_excluded","_excluded2"...
“Materials”), are the property of React Mobile or its licensors, and are subject to and protected by United States and international copyright and other intellectual property laws and rights. You will not obtain any ownership interest in the Materials or the Services through these Terms of ...
UNPKG react-phone-number-input/modules/ Version: 8.49 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw 1{"version":3,"file":"CountrySelect.js","names":["React","useCallback","useMemo","PropTypes","classNames","getUnicodeFlagIcon","CountrySelect","_ref","value","onChange","options","...
yandex international yelp yoast youtube youtube square Icon Aliases Some of icons have usefull aliases. chess rock ordered list unordered list user doctor shield puzzle add circle add square add to calendar add to cart add user add alarm mute alarm ald als announcement area chart area graph arro...