And if the length of the input value is more than 10, format it like(###) ### - #___. if{return`(${numberInput.slice(0,3)})${numberInput.slice(3,6)}-${numberInput.slice(6,10)}`;} In the example code below, we have created the<input>to take the phone number input. Wh...
import'react-phone-number-input/style.css'importPhoneInputfrom'react-phone-number-input'functionExample(){// `value` will be the parsed phone number in E.164 format.// Example: "+12133734253".const[value,setValue]=useState()return(<PhoneInputplaceholder="Enter phone number"value={value}onChange...
我正在使用EducationLink/vue-tel-input进行电话输入。我不想在输入字段中显示格式化的数字。但我想要格式化的数字。我怎么才能得到它??请帮帮我。我使用onInput函数作为 <e 浏览3提问于2019-08-27得票数 0 1回答 .NET强制windows应用程序仅显示英文数字 、、 我正在构建一个特定于文化...
React Number Format is a React component that allows you to format and validate numbers in input fields. It supports both plain JavaScript and TypeScript, and it works well with Material-UI components. You can use React Number Format to format numbers wi
Format phone number <NumberFormatformat="+1 (###) ###-###"mask="_"/> Custom Inputs You can easily extend your custom input with number format. But custom input should have all input props. importTextFieldfrom'material-ui/TextField'; <...
下面是我的代码的IntlTelInput 代码语言:javascript 复制 format={true} fieldName="phone" inputClassName="checkout__input" onPhoneNumberChange={onChange} onSelectFlag={handleSelectFlag} defaultValue = {defaultPhone} /> 以及onChange和handleSelectFlag函数 代码语言:javascript 复制 if(isValid) { validated...
phone = ref; }} onPressFlag={this.onPressFlag} initialCountry={'us'} initialValue="13178675309" onChangePhoneNumber={this.onPhoneInputChange} textProps={{ placeholder: 'Enter a phone number...' }} /> <CountryPicker ref={(ref) => { this.countryPicker = ref; }} onChange={(value)=>...
selectCountryvoidiso2:stringset phone input to specific country getCountryCodestringnonereturn country dial code of current phone number getISOCodestringnonereturn country iso code of current phone number onPressCancelfuncnonehandler to be called when taps the cancel button ...
react-native-phone-input ★154 - Phone input box for React Native react-native-switch-pro ★153 - A pretty nice switch for Android and iOS that have same performance on two platforms and clean code in the library. react-native-popup ★153 - Popup for react-native react-native-radial-...
这似乎是react-phone-number-input版本的问题,我降级到3.2.0版本,错误就没有了。Gitlab Issue: [3...