安装 npm install react-input-mask@next --save react-input-mask需要React 16.8.0或更高版本。 如果您需要对旧版本的支持,请使用 。 用法 import React from "react" import InputMask from "react-input-mask" ; function DateInput ( props ) { return ; } 特性 名称 类型 默认 描述 mask {String点...
'')"> 输入数字和字母: <input onKeyUp="value=value.replace(/[\W]/g,'')"> 输入大小写字...
import React, {useRef} from 'react'; import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form"; import InputMask from "react-input-mask"; const CreateAccountForm = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { const {register, formState: { errors }, handleSubmit, watch, control} = useForm(); cons...
Mask input combinations The React Input Mask component allows different mask combinations based on the standard and custom masks. So, you can form different mask formats based on your application scenarios. Number, string, and date mask example Number mask From the standard mask elements, form a...
import{MaskedInput}from'react-text-input-mask'; Basic usage <MaskedInputmask='TR99 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 99'><inputplaceholder='Enter IBAN'/></MaskedInput> <MaskedInputmask='99/99'><inputplaceholder='MM/YY'/></MaskedInput> You can use ant design ...
Almost all web applications use keyboard events to capture detailed user input data. In other words, users can enter required data into typical web applications using their devices’ keyboards. For example, a user can enter a name, phone number, postal code, and email address during a ...
Bug in percentage mask. If you use the decimal separator with a comma "," the input mask will always return value 0. It's working if we use decimal separator = "." by 3 Jun in version 1.0.10 Bug in percentage, if you use the decimal separator with a comma "," and if you assig...
react-text-mask react-number-format 无障碍功能 为了使文本字段可访问,输入要链接到标签和辅助文本。底层DOM节点应具有此结构。 <divclass="form-control"><labelfor="my-input">Email address</label><inputid="my-input"aria-describedby="my-helper-text"/><spanid="my-helper-text">We'll never share...
importMaskInputfrom'react-native-mask-input';functionMyComponent(){const[phone,setPhone]=React.useState('');return(<MaskInputvalue={phone}onChangeText={(masked,unmasked)=>{setPhone(masked);// you can use the unmasked value as well// assuming you typed "9" all the way:console.log(masked)...
Reactjs: Input mask after state.length === 5 I wanted to add the-char after typing 5 characters like this: but I got this: My code : interfaceIAddress{bairro:string;cep:string;cidade:string;complemento:string;rua:string;numero:string;...