See React DateInput Forms Support demo Globalization The KendoReact DateInput component supports globalization out of the box, which means that the format of the date placeholder and date can change depending on the locale of the user without needing to manually reconfigure the React component. ...
单一组件设置为中文: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importzhCNfrom'antd/es/date-picker/locale/zh_CN';// 引入中文包// 组件添加 locale 属性<DatePicker locale={zhCN}/>;// 设置为中文 注意:DatePicker、MonthPicker、RangePicker、WeekPicker 部分 locale 是从 value 中读取,需要先正确设置 moment 的 locale。 代...
Loading a locale is done by calling moment.locale(..) in the component where moment is imported, with the locale key of choice. For instance: moment.locale('pl'); // Polish However, this only solves date localization. For complete internationalization of the components, react-dates defines ...
preview(DateRange)Objectdisplays a preview range and overwrite DateRange's default preview. Expected shape:{ startDate: Date, endDate: Date, color: String } showPreview(DateRange)booltruevisibility of preview editableDateInputs(Calendar)boolfalsewhether dates can be edited in the Calendar's input...
// input related props startDatePlaceholderText: PropTypes.string, endDatePlaceholderText: PropTypes.string, startDateAriaLabel: PropTypes.string, endDateAriaLabel: PropTypes.string, disabled: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.oneOf([START_DATE, END_DATE])]), required: PropTypes.bool, ...
preview(DateRange)Objectdisplays a preview range and overwrite DateRange's default preview. Expected shape:{ startDate: Date, endDate: Date, color: String } showPreview(DateRange)booltruevisibility of preview editableDateInputs(Calendar)boolfalsewhether dates can be edited in the Calendar's input...
它为其后代元素触发额外的检查和警告。+// 严格模式检查仅在开发模式下运行;它们不会影响生产构建。<React.StrictMode>-<ConfigProviderlocale={zhCN}>-<App/>-</ConfigProvider>+<Routerhistory={history}>+<ConfigProviderlocale={zhCN}>+<App/>+</ConfigProvider>+</Router></React.StrictMode>);...
import {I18nProvider} from 'react-aria'; function Example() { let [date, setDate] = React.useState<DateValue | null>(null); return ( <I18nProvider locale="hi-IN-u-ca-indian"> <MyDatePicker label="Date" value={date} onChange={setDate} /> <p>Selected date: {date?.toString()}</p>...
\n Open the Visual Studio solution you'll find there. The name of the solution will match the name of the project. \n \n \n The solution is made by different projects, all based on C++. The main one (which contains the actual application to deploy) is the one which...
IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/, contextRegExp: /moment$/, }), // Generate a service worker script that will precache, and keep up to date, // the HTML & assets that are part of the webpack build. isEnvProduction && fs.existsSync(swSrc) && new WorkboxWebpackPlugin....