const { displayWidth, displayHeight } = getDisplayImageSize(img, width, height); const displayImage = img; displayImage.width = displayWidth; displayImage.height = displayHeight; setState({ ...LOADING_STATE.SUCCESS, image: displayImage }); }).catch(() => setState(LOADING_STATE.FAIL)); ...
npm i -S react-native-image-size Download via Yarn yarn add react-native-image-size Afterward make sure to rebuild app, not just refresh bundler. Linking (for React Native <= 0.59 only, React Native >= 0.60 skip this as auto-linking should work) ...{}// 定义其他样式// 为了区分宽度/高度必要性,width 和 height prop 我们单独传,若有其他样式要求可传给stylePropuseEffect(()=>{Image.getSize(props.uri,(width,height)=>{if(props.width&&!props.height){// 图片宽度固定,高度自适应setSource({uri:props.uri,width:props.width,height:heig...
Image.getSize("", (w, h) => { setImageHeight(width / w * h); // 根据屏幕宽得到图片宽缩放比例然后乘到高度上 }); } return <View> <Image source={require('../../assetc/images/sss.png')} style={{width: '100%', height: imageHeight}} /> </View> }...
consthandleWechatQRCodeHeight= () => {const{ wechatQRCode } =getAdminInfo()Image.getSize(wechatQRCode,(width, height) =>{letwechatQRCodeHeight = (height / width) *300console.log(wechatQRCodeHeight)setWechatQRCodeHeight(wechatQRCodeHeight) ...
return ( ); 你也可以在 JSX 中通过花括号添加更复杂的 JavaScript 表达式,例如 字符串拼接: App.js Download Reset Fork const user = { name: 'Hedy Lamarr', imageUrl: '', imageSize: 90, }; export default function Profile() { return ( <> {
Ex:- When I upload 149.5kb image it increases to 1.5MB. I notice that size in my API calls. But when I directly upload images to Django admin it remains in the same size. I can not figure out the exact reason for this. Photos are saved in DIgitalOcean Spaces. Cropper <Cropper styl...
基础篇章:React Native之 Image 的讲解 今天一起来学习一些Image这个组件,它其实就是相当于我们android控件中的ImageView。 我们先看例子,看看加载本地图片和远程服务器图片的方式,其实差不多。 1. importReact, { Component } from'react'; import{ AppRegistry, View, Image } from'react-native';...
});module.exports= RN_Image nativeImageSource中可以指定图片的宽高,如果在image的style中同时指定了图片宽高的话,以style中的为准。 加载网络图片 <Imagesource={{uri:''}}style={styles.icon}resizeMode='cover...