.react-icons{vertical-align:middle; } TypeScript native support Dependencies on@types/react-iconscan be deleted. Yarn yarn remove @types/react-icons NPM npm remove @types/react-icons Contributing ./build-script.shwill build the whole project. See also CI scripts for more information. ...
Fontisto font for react native vector icons. Latest version: 3.0.4-alpha.34, last published: 6 days ago. Start using @react-native-vector-icons/fontisto in your project by running `npm i @react-native-vector-icons/fontisto`. There are no other projects i
Root } from 'react-dom/client'; import { getIcon } from '@/utils'; import { ICON_KEYS } from '@/components/icons'; import toast, { Toaster } from 'react-hot-toast'; import { RadioButton } from './components'; import { useState } from 'react'; const root = createRoot(document....
You can also see whether a test has passed or failed right in the editor, thanks to the test status icons and in the gutter. tip Create a Jest run/debug configuration Open the Run/Debug Configuration dialog (Run | Edit Configurations in the main menu), click in the left-hand pane...
点开我们的 Tauri 项目目录,在 src-tauri 下面有一个 icons 目录,这里放着 Tauri 应用全平台的图标文件,种类非常齐全,有不同尺寸的 png ,还有 ico 和 icns。ico 和 icns 分别是 Tauri 应用在 macOS 和 Windows 上所使用的图标文件,linux 则使用的是 png。
For those folks looking to override the icons with local copies to prevent the callout to the alicdn, I found this after much digging and got it working: https://www.npmjs.com/package/antd-local-icon 👍 1 Contributor HeskeyBaozi commented Aug 24, 2018 • edited New Icon Docs Prev...
“private”: true在package.json中设置,那么npm将拒绝发布它。这是一种防止意外发布私有存储库的方法。 1.4 dependencies字段 dependencies字段指定了项目运行所依赖的模块。 代码语言:javascript 复制 "dependencies":{"@testing-library/jest-dom":"^4.2.4","@testing-library/react":"^9.5.0","@testing-library...
{ Delete, MoreVert } from '@mui/icons-material'; +import deleteDocument from '../../firebase/deleteDocument'; +import deleteFile from '../../firebase/deleteFile'; +import { useAuth } from '../../context/AuthContext'; + +export default function Options({ imageId }) { + const [...
react native cli 使用react-native-vector-icons图标库 1. 安装 npm install --save react-native-vector-icons 2. 修改配置 详见该说明 安卓且使用 Gradle:修改android/app/build.gradle文件, 添加apply from: file("../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle")。
// 安装@material-ui/iconsnpm install -S @material-ui/iconsimport React from 'react';import DeleteIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Delete';界面布局Material-UI的布局设计基础Material-UI布局,使用统一的组件和间距,实现了多平台、多环境和屏幕尺寸的统一性。1、使用 Grid / Hidden / Breakpoints 这三类组件...