Package: Icons list: Installation: npm install @iconify/icons-simple-icons Usage: import{Icon,InlineIcon}from"@iconify/react";importbehanceIconfrom"@iconify/icons-simple-icons/behance";importmozi...
打开src-tauri 目录下的 tauri.config.json: ..."tauri":{"allowlist":{"all":false,"shell":{"all":false,"open":true}},"bundle":{"active":true,"targets":"all","identifier":"","icon":["icons/32x32.png","icons/128x128.png","icons/128x128@2x.png","icons/icon.icns...
import { Form, Input, Button, Space } from "antd"; import { MinusCircleOutlined, PlusOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons"; const Demo = () => { return ( <Form> <Form.List name="sights"> {(fields, { add, remove }) => ( <> { => ( <Space key={field.key...
Click or in the gutter and select Run <test_name> from the list. Gif You can also see whether a test has passed or failed right in the editor, thanks to the test status icons and in the gutter. tip Create a Jest run/debug configuration Open the Run/Debug Configuration dialog ...
KendoReact Quickly render font or SVG Icons in your app with these components, accessing 400+ icons out-of-the-box. Part of the KendoReact library along with 120+ professionally-designed components. Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
browserlist是一个前端项目配置工具,功能是在前端工具之间共享目标环境的浏览信息 比如我们项目构建的时候一般会用到babel,postCss等等,提供了对应的浏览器信息后,他们就会针对浏览器信息采取不同的编译策略。 The config to share target browsers and Node.js versions between different front-end tools. ...
mReactInstanceManager=ReactInstanceManager.builder() .setApplication(getApplication()) .setBundleAssetName("") .setJSMainModuleName("") .addPackage(newMainReactPackage()) .addPackage(newReactNativeIcons(Arrays.asList(newIconFont("typicons","typicons.ttf") ))) .setUse...
package com.myapp; + import com.oblador.vectoricons.VectorIconsPackage; ... @Override protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() { return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList( new MainReactPackage() + , new VectorIconsPackage() ); }Please note that this optional step is necessary only if your react...
import { add } from 'ionicons/icons';import { useHistory } from 'react-router';...const Home: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = () => { const history = useHistory(); return ( <IonPage> <IonHeader>...</IonHeader> <IonContent> <IonList>...</IonList> <IonFab vertical="bottom" ...
, new VectorIconsPackage() ); } } 然后在此运行项目即可。 IOS集成: 通过,拷贝Fonts到xcode的Images.xcassets中然后在Info.plist中添加如下代码 Information Property List 添加一个Item 即可,编译一下,然后运行项目。 一下是我的使用demo代码: 创建一个使用该库来实现icon的TabIcon ...