toast( Custom andbold , { icon:<Icon/>, } ); You can also supply a function that receives theToastas an argument, giving you access to all properties. This allows you to access the toast id, which can be used to add a dismiss button. toast( (t)=>( Custom ...
npm install react-hot-toast Getting Started Add the Toaster to your app first. It will take care of rendering all notifications emitted. Now you can triggertoast()from anywhere! importtoast,{Toaster}from'react-hot-toast';constnotify=()=>toast('Here is your toast.');constApp=()=>{return...
官网地址 3. React Hot Toast React Hot Toast 是一个热门的通知库,包含很多通知的样式。 官网地址 4. React Content Loader React Content Loader 可以用于生成列表加载占位组件。 官网地址 5. Sweet Alert Sweet Alert是一个弹窗组件,包含很多弹...
Maybe you need to define a custom toast component using useToaster() when using toast in React Native like the example below. Usage with React Native Headless mode is perfectly suited to add notifications to your React Native app. You can check ...
React Hot Toast 是一个热门的通知库,包含很多通知的样式。 官网地址 4. React Content Loader React Content Loader 可以用于生成列表加载占位组件。 官网地址 5. Sweet Alert Sweet Alert是一个弹窗组件,包含很多弹窗样式。 官网地址 6. draftjs Dr...
React Hot Toast 是一个热门的通知库,包含很多通知的样式。 官网地址: 4. React Content Loader React Content Loader 可以用于生成列表加载占位组件。 官网地址: 5. Sweet Alert Sweet Alert是一个弹窗组件,包含很多弹窗样式。
nodejsjavascriptadminmongodbreactjsmongooseexpressjsaxiosbcryptwebappjwt-tokenmulterrestful-apisocialmediatailwindcsscustomhooksreacticonstawktoreacthottoast UpdatedOct 29, 2024 JavaScript Hotel Cabins Management App with React & React Query reactstyled-componentsrechartsdate-fnsreactrouterdomreact-queryreacticons...
React Hot Toast offers five different toast variants: success, error, loading, custom, and promise. The success, error, and loading methods are used to show toast variations with a success message, an error message, or a message with a loading spinner icon, respectively:...
import toast, { Toaster } from 'react-hot-toast'; const notify = () => toast('Here is your toast.'); const App = () => { return ( Make me a toast <Toaster /> ); }; ``` Documentation Find the full API reference on official documentation.为什么是最好的 GitHub 项目? 技术...
Its CSS transitions are customized for this example only to demonstrate how easily custom transitions can be implemented. Click the right button below to transfer focus to the "Show overlay" trigger button outside of this overlay. If persistent focus is enabled, focus will be constrained ...