默认情况下,当您在输入字段中键入内容时,react-hook-form 不会触发任何重新渲染,而是通过调用手表函数,我们可以订阅输入,当我们控制台日志看,我们看到了所有的价值观。 控制台.log(“手表”,手表()); console.log(“watch”, watch()) 我们还可以“手表” 指定输入并返回它们的值: 常量密码值= {密码:手表(“...
import React from "react"; import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; function App() { const { register, watch, formState: { errors }, handleSubmit } = useForm(); const watchShowAge = watch("showAge", false); // you can supply default value as second argument const watchAllFiel...
import React from "react"; import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; export default function App() { const { register, trigger, formState: { errors } } = useForm(); return ( <form> <input {...register("firstName", { required: true })} /> <input {...register("lastName",...
我对此问题的解决方案是在依赖项useWatch([], form)中传递空数组
Most of the methods to work with fields and errors will use this naming convention for operations. Hook options useForm({ defaultValues: {}, mode: 'onSubmit', focusOn: fullPath, classNameError: null, shouldFocusError: false, resolver: () => {} }); PropertyTypeDescription defaultValues ...
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> {/* Form fields */} <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> 4. Mouse Over Event (onMouseOver): Triggered when the mouse pointer enters an element. <div onMouseOver={handleMouseOver}>Hover me</div> 5. Mouse Out Event (onMouseOut): Occurs when the...
Values defined in defaultValues will be injected into watch as defaultValue. It doesn't auto populate with the manually registered input (eg: register('test')) because the custom register field does not provide the ref to React Hook Form. Its not default state for the form, to include addit...
extensive-react-boilerplate - Boilerplate with Next.js, Auth (Sign in, Sign up, Reset password, Confirm email, Refresh Token), Material UI, React Hook Form, I18N, File uploads (support local and Amazon S3 drivers), Tests, CI. generator-starhackit - Full-stack starter kit. nwb - CLI to...
Form: 新增 useWatch hook @honkinglin (#1490) DatePicker: 优化动态更新年份滚动交互体验 @honkinglin (#1502) 优化二次修改日期不规范时清空另一侧数据 @honkinglin (#1492)🐞 Bug FixesIcon: 修复使用 classprefix 替换组件前缀对图标的影响 #common842 @uyarn @honkinglin (#1500) Cascader: 修复 ...