React Hook Form API:reset() React Hook Form'sresetmethod will reset all field values, and will also clear allerrorswithin the form. How to initialize form values? functionApp(){const{register,handleSubmit}=useForm({defaultValues:{firstName:"bill",lastName:"luo",}});return(<form onSubmit=...
只在最顶层使用 Hooks,如 useState,useEffect,不要在循环,条件或者嵌套函数中调用 Hook,因为 React 依赖 Hook 调用的顺序来保证正确的执行。不要这样:if (name !== '') { useEffect(function persistForm() { localStorage.setItem('formData', name); });} 因为该 Hook 的执行取决于 name 的...
resetField setError clearErrors setValue setFocus getValues getFieldState trigger control Form Thank you for your support If you find React Hook Form to be useful in your project, please consider to star and support it.Star us on GitHub ...
Source File: SwitchElement.tsx From react-hook-form-mui with MIT License 6 votes export default function SwitchElement({ name, control, ...other }: SwitchElementProps) { return ( <FormControlLabel control={ <Controller name={name} control={control} render={({ field }) => <Switch {.....
var workInProgressHook = null; // Whether an update was scheduled at any point during the render phase. This // does not get reset if we do another render pass; only when we're completely // finished evaluating this component. This is an optimization so we know ...
Form: 新增 useForm hook 获取 form 实例 & 支持 initialData 全局设置初始值 @honkinglin (#1351) DatePicker: 优化不设置 valueType 场景下与 format 一致@honkinglin (#1382) Dialog: 非模态对话框优化拖拽事件鼠标表现 @huoyuhao (#1355) Transfer: 支持 showCheckAll api @HelKyle (#1385) 🐞 Bug Fixe...
Go 语言自身的 errors: 包实现非常简单,使用起来非常灵活,...
function Form() { const [formState, { text }] = useFormState(); function setNameField() { // manually setting the value of the "name" input formState.setField('name', 'Mary Poppins'); } return ( <> <input {...text('name')} readOnly /> <button onClick={setNameField}>Set ...