而在react里处理表单又是非常难受的一件事。要么我们使用受控组件,要么一个一个获取。。。而现在我就要介绍一款,react hook 的表单校验库。...官网:react-hook-form 真的非常好用,个人觉得。原生input,form多好啊。也可以结合ant 等的表单进行使用,更多的校验规则
this.input.value) } render () { return ( <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> <input type='text' ref={(input) => this.input = input} /> <button type='submit'>Submit</button> </form> ) } }
咱们可以在组件添加一个 ref 属性来使用,该属性的值是一个回调函数,接收作为其第一个参数的底层 DOM 元素或组件的挂载实例。 classUnControlledFormextendsComponent{handleSubmit=()=>{console.log("Input Value: ",this.input.value)}render(){return(<formonSubmit={this.handleSubmit}><inputtype='text'ref={...
A React hook based on validated changeset library for form handling - GitHub - HarshRohila/react-changeset: A React hook based on validated changeset library for form handling
The code example above defines a React component named `App`, which utilizes a custom offer to log debug, info, warning, and error messages when the element is rendered. The `useEffect` hook triggers the log messages, ensuring they run once after the component is mounted. ...
<button> and <input> formActionprop: Actions can be passed to theformActionprop to configure form submission behavior. This allows using different Actions depending on the input. useFormStatus: is a new hook that provides the status of the parent<form> action, as if the form was a Context...
对比之下,另外一些表单库如react-hook-form拥抱了非受控组件的形式,我个人发现欠缺了一定的灵活性(言词很难表述清楚,有兴趣的读者可以自行尝试两种方案;评论区里也有讨论,欢迎加入)。 我专门写了一篇相关文章,欢迎阅读 方式:Formik 的表单验证逻辑完全开放给用户,用户可以自定义,比如...
Fix error handling bugs in development mode. (@gaearon and @acdlite in #12508) Improve user timing API messages for profiling. (@flarnie in #12384)Create SubscriptionSet the package version to be in sync with React releases. (@bvaughn in #12526) Add a peer dependency on React 16.3+. (...
2. Render a form <Autoform /> React component will generate inputs including translatable label, proper input types and error messages. import { Autoform } from 'react-hook-form-auto' import { client } from './models/client' const MyForm = ({ onSubmit }) => <Autoform schema={client...