📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native) - react-hook-form/docs/README.zh-CN.md at v6.9.5 · react-hook-form/react-hook-form
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地址:https://github.com/react-hook-form/react-hook-form 使用案例: 复制 import Reactfrom"react";import { useForm }from"react-hook-form";functionApp() {const { register, handleSubmit, errors } = useForm();const onSubmit = (data) => {// logs {firstName:"exampleFirstName", lastName:"...
1 import { FieldValues, UseFormProps, UseFormReturn } from './types'; 2 /** 3 * Custom hook to manage the entire form. 4 * 5 * @remarks 6 * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/useform) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-get-started-ts-5ksmm)...
This is where it's at. A React form library that is both well thought out and flexible enough to get out of your way when you need it to. After fussing around with React forms for years, switching to react-hook-form feels like a superpower. Everything runs faster and my code is cl...
6 * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/useformstate) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/useformstate-75xly) 7 * 8 * @param props - include options on specify fields to subscribe. {@link UseFormStateReturn} 9 *
React 官方给出的表单方案非常简单, 直接看官方文档就可以https://reactjs.org/docs/forms.html。总的来说,官方给出了两种不同的表单方案,基于受控组件以及基于非受控组件的表单实现,当然前者会比较常见一些。所有的第三方表单都可以认为是这两种方案的延伸及封装。
static getDerivedStateFormPropsshouldComponentUpdate()render()getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()componentDidUpdate()3. UnMouting componentWillUnmount()使用hook去代替生命周期函数的方式 constructor: 可以通过useState来初始化statecomponentDidMount(),在hook中需要使用下面的这种方式去取代,在useEffect中传递第二个参数,该...
2.利用你的Hook返回 当我刚开始写自定义Hook时,很容易遵循类似于默认的useState钩子的返回样式。虽然这并不是坏事,但在函数之上使用一个返回数组来返回多个状态变量,会很麻烦。想象一下,除了处理数据选择的函数外,还可以返回2个不同的状态变量(1个是数据状态,1个是视图状态)的钩子,用数组风格的返...
React-hook-form,速度很快,但有很多隐藏的Bug,并且文档写的很差。 使用React写表单很多年了,但是我仍然难以通过很清晰的代码来提供强大的用户体验。当我看到Svelte如何处理表单的时候,我不禁觉得自己被错误的抽象束缚住了。看看这个写法: <script> let a = 1; ...