importReact,{Component}from'react'import{GoogleMap,LoadScript}from'@react-google-maps/api'classMyComponentsextendsComponent{render(){return(<LoadScript id="script-loader"googleMapsApiKey="YOUR_API_KEY"{...other props}><GoogleMap id='example-map'{...other props}>...Your map components</Google...
[map,setMap]=React.useState(null)constonLoad=React.useCallback(functioncallback(map){// This is just an example of getting and using the map instance!!! don't just blindly copy!},[])constonUnmount=React....
import { GoogleMap, LoadScript } from '@react-google-maps/api'; 在组件中创建一个Google Map组件,并设置所需的属性,例如中心点坐标、缩放级别等: 代码语言:txt 复制 function MapComponent() { const mapContainerStyle = { width: '400px', height: '400px' }; const center = { lat: 37.7749...
const GoogleMapHOC = compose( withProps({ googleMapURL: ',drawing,places&key=__GAPI_KEY', loadingElement: <div style={{ height: '100vw' }} />, containerElement: <div style={{ height: '100vh' }} />, mapElement: ...
google-map-react是一个基于一小部分Google Maps API编写的组件。它允许您在 Google 地图上渲染任何 React 组件。它是完全同构的,可以在服务器上渲染。此外,即使未加载 Google Maps API,它也可以在浏览器中呈现地图组件。它使用内部的、可调整的悬停算法 - 地图上的每个对象都可以悬停 ...
Small icons jingle on Firefox (I don't see this in my older 'GoogleMap' version, so I will find the problem soon) Examples (API is really simple, just look at the examples) Placing react components on the map simple(source) Custom map options exampleoptions example(source) ... Popular repositoriesLoading google-map-reactgoogle-map-reactPublic Google map library for react that allows rendering components as markers 🎉 JavaScript6.4k841 old-examplesold-examplesPublic ...
import {AdvancedMarker, APIProvider, Map} from ''; function App() { const position = {lat: 53.54992, lng: 10.00678}; return ( <APIProvider apiKey={'YOUR API KEY HERE'}> <Map defaultCenter={position} defaultZoom={10} mapId='DEMO_MAP_ID'> <AdvancedMarker po...
从Google Maps 迁移到 HUAWEI Map Kit React Native应用开发 业务介绍 版本更新说明 应用开发 开发准备 AppGallery Connect配置 开发环境准备 集成HMS SDK 添加权限 创建地图 地图交互 在地图上绘制 JavaScript API 业务介绍 应用开发 基础地图 地图交互 在地图上绘制 路径规划 位置搜索 ...