Notice that getValues() is different from what is rendered. Expected behaviour I was confused why getValues() was returning something different from what the form was actually rendering, and narrowed it down to only happening when isValid is destructured from formState. I need to use reset wi...
*/constcreateForm=(config={})=>{...returnWrappedForm=>{returnclassFormextendsComponent{getFormValues=()=>{returnthis.fields.reduce((values,field)=>{constname=field.getName();constfieldValue=field.getValue();values[name]=fieldValue;returnvalues;},{});};}}}/** * Field组件 */classFieldex...
此getValues()将提取正确的值。 浏览43提问于2021-09-26得票数 2 1回答 在“钩子-form`”中使用对象作为值 、、 描述我想在react-hook-form中使用这个组件设置type ComponentValue = { b: string;构成部分: const Component = ({ value, onChan 浏览4提问于2022-08-02得票数 1 1回答 如何在规则验证中...
console.log('Received values of form: ', values); **history.push('/View');** } }) } render(){ //Form.create 包装的组件会自带this.props.form属性,该属性提供了一系列API,包括以下4个 //getFieldDecorator用于和表单进行双向绑定 //isFieldTouched判断一个输入控件是否经历过 getFieldDecorator 的值...
formRef.current?.setFieldsValue({ channel_company_id: changedValues.company_id || allValues.company_id, detail_info: [], }); setFormValues(formRef.current?.getFieldsValue(true)); }, onCancel() { formRef.current?.setFieldsValue({ company_id: formValues.company_id, }); setFormValues(...
projectUrl string The url of a enterprise project. Examples Render a simple form from your self hosted deployment: import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import { Form, FormioProvider } from '@formio/react'; const domNode = document.getElementById('root'); const...
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to access the form input values, how to validate and submit forms in React. Let's get started! Table of Contents 1. "Register Your Cat" form 2. Form state 3. Form validation 4. Form submission 5. Form's initial data 6. Summary 1. "...
Form是一个高阶组件,Test = Form.create()(Test); 返回的是一个新组件,形式类似于 <Form> <Test...
The simplest way to get data from a form is using the browser's FormData API during the onSubmit event. This can be passed directly to fetch, or converted into a regular JavaScript object using Object.fromEntries. Each field should have a name prop to identify it, and values will be ...