getChildContext:与访问context属性需要通过contextTypes指定可访问的属性一样,getChildContext指定的传递给子组件的属性需要先通过childContextTypes来执行,不然会报错。 使用context改进后的示例如下: Parent.jsx 父 import React, { Component } from 'react'import {PropTypes} from'prop-types'import Sub1 from'./S...
escape(component.key); } // Implicit key determined by the index in the set return index.toString(36); } 所以接下来的Diff过程,我们明白了,它完全是根据相同的key来diff,没设置key的话,其实是通过数组下标来进行(源码位于src/renderers/shared/stack/reconciler/ReactChildReconciler.js): 代码语言:...
当前的workInProgress.child是key为a1的div。 React会对当前数组进行第一次循环,获取每个子节点的key值生成一个Set数据knownKeys。 代码语言:javascript 复制 {// First, validate keys.varknownKeys=null;for(vari=0;i<newChildren.length;i++){varchild=newChildren[i];knownKeys=warnOnInvalidKey(child,knownKe...
for(let keyinmixin){ Component.prototype[key] =mixin[key] } } class Index extends React.Component{ constructor(){ super() this.state={ name:'alien' } } render(){ return hello,world to say } } componentClassMixins(Index,customMixin) ②extends继承模式 原型图...
We suggest that you stick to using default imports and exports when a module only exports a single thing (for example, a component). That’s what you get when you use export default Button and import Button from './Button'. Named exports are useful for utility modules that export several...
children).map(child => { if (child.type === MenuItem) { return React.cloneElement(child, { selected: child.key === selectedKey, onClick: () => setSelectedKey(child.key) }); } return child; })} ); };Now consumers can use arrays, fragments, or conditionally render items and yo...
mount(首屏渲染) 时会根据不同的workInProgress.tag(组件类型)来进入到不同的子节点创建逻辑,我们关注最常见的组件类型:FunctionComponent(函数组件) / ClassComponent(类组件) / HostComponent(对标 HTML 标签),最终这些逻辑都会进入reconcileChildren方法。
project. We're going to add our React Native component in the main dashboard of the application, along with the other widgets. We can find the dashboard definition inside thefile. Let's first add the namespace of our user control: ...