打开你的Chrome扩展中心chrome://extensions,请确保勾选开发者模式,拖入你的dist文件夹 OK! 恭喜你,你的应用程序应该已经成功的加载到了chrome扩展列表中,快去尝试打开它吧!如果你想要进一步的修改图标名称等,请修改mainfest文件,图标图片放置在public目录中,这里要谈到一点可惜之处,就是yarn dev模式下并不能加载这个...
打开你的Chrome扩展中心chrome://extensions,请确保勾选开发者模式,拖入你的dist文件夹 OK! 恭喜你,你的应用程序应该已经成功的加载到了chrome扩展列表中,快去尝试打开它吧!如果你想要进一步的修改图标名称等,请修改mainfest文件,图标图片放置在public目录中,这里要谈到一点可惜之处,就是yarn dev模式下并不能加载这个...
1、下载react developer tools离线的crx工具包,地址为:http://chromecj.com/Handler/Download/890 2、下载完毕把crx的后缀编程zip,然后解压 3、打开chrome浏览器,地址栏输入chrome://extensions 4、 image.png 点击 加载已解压的扩展程序,选择刚刚解压的文件夹,安装成功。
React Developer Tools is a Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React JavaScript library. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchies in the Chrome Developer Tools. You will get two new tabs in your Chrome DevTools: "⚛️ Components" and "⚛️ Profiler". ...
在Chrome中禁止React DevTools扩展的方法是通过在Chrome浏览器的扩展管理器中禁用该扩展。以下是具体步骤: 1. 打开Chrome浏览器,点击右上角的菜单按钮(三个竖点)。 2...
打开chrome://extensions 确保打开了开发者模式 点击Load unpacked extension 按钮 选中my-extension/build 目录 npm run build Builds the app for production to the build folder. Zip the build folder and your app is ready to be published on Chrome Web Store. Readme Keywords react chrome extension cli...
After this command succeeds, open up Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions. In the top right, make sure "Developer mode" is selected, then click on "Load unpacked extension...". Navigate to our dist/ folder, select it and press OK. Now open up a Craigslist listing (such as https...
In the Chrome browser, go to chrome://extensions page and switch on developer mode. This enables the ability to locally install a Chrome extension. Now click on the LOAD UNPACKED and browse to [PROJECT_HOME]\build, This will install the React app as a Chrome extension. When you go to ...
1 初始化项目• 1.1 使用create-react-app新建项目 • 1.2 精简项目• 2 Chrome Extension基础• 2.1 Manifest V3概述• 2.2 Manifest V3 主要新特性• 2.3 Chrome Extension的组成• 2.4 规划build生成的目录结构 • 2.5 配置manifest.json 3 项目目录结构设计 4 Webpack配置• 4.1 配置国内镜像源...