1.react-flow react-flow是一个用于构建基于节点的应用程序的库。这些可以是简单的静态图或复杂的基于节点的编辑器。同时react-flow支持自定义节点类型和边线类型,并且它附带一些组件,可以查看缩略图的Mini Map和悬浮控制器Controls. 2、react-flow 的安装 1 2 npm install react-flow-renderer# npm yarn add ...
npm install react-flow-renderer Quick Start This is a very basic example of how to use React Flow. You can find more advanced examples on thewebsite. importReactfrom'react';importReactFlowfrom'react-flow-renderer';constelements=[{id:'1',data:{label:'Node 1'},position:{x:250,y:5}},...
node_detection Node Overlapping Detection for Node-based Applications reactflow node-overlapping reactflow-renderer mitulpobaru2712 •0.1.0•a year ago•0dependents•MITpublished version0.1.0,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 7
yarn add react-flow-renderer 注意,这里的 reat-flow 版本是9.x,更高级的版本可能存在 API 差异,参考《Migrate to v10》 然后调用组件,传入elements就能渲染出一个流程图 import Reactfrom"react"; import ReactFlowfrom"react-flow-renderer";constelements =[//node{ id:"1", data: { label:'Node 1', ...
fast-json-stable-stringify use-sync-external-store Dev Dependencies (11) @apollo/client @testing-library/react-hooks @types/react canvas eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks graphql jsdom react react-dom rxjs Install npm i@naporin0624/react-flowder ...
首先,请确保您已经安装了React Flow。如果还没有安装,请运行以下命令: npm install react-flow-renderer 接下来,导航到 node.jsx 目录并粘贴以下代码: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 importReactfrom"react";importReactFlowfrom"reactflow";import"reactflow/dist/style.css";constin...
npm install react-flow-renderer UsageThis is a very basic example of how to use React Flow. There are more advanced examples in the example folder.import React from 'react'; import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer'; const elements = [ { id: '1', data: { label: 'Node 1' }, ...
npm install @xyflow/react Basic usage import{useCallback}from'react';import{ReactFlow,MiniMap,Controls,Background,useNodesState,useEdgesState,addEdge,}from'@xyflow/react';import'@xyflow/react/dist/style.css';constinitialNodes=[{id:'1',position:{x:0,y:0},data:{label:'1'}},{id:'2',...
The easiest way to get the latest version of React Flow is to install it via npm, yarn or pnpm: ```sh npminstallreactflow ``` Quickstart This is only a very basic usage example of React Flow. To see everything that is possible with the library, please refer to thewebsiteforguides,...
Microsoft Graph 工具包是一组 Web 组件,可简化连接到 Microsoft Graph,并允许你改为专注于应用程序。 Microsoft Graph 工具包作为一组通过 npm 包分发的@microsoft/mgt-components通用 Web 组件提供。 如果要使用 React 生成应用,则可以使用@microsoft/mgt-react包,它将 Microsoft Graph Toolkit Web 组件包装在 React...