TanStack Query是一个基于React Hooks的轻量级查询库,它提供了简单易用的API来处理数据查询和数据变更的逻辑。 它的核心是QueryClient,它是一个全局状态管理器,可以帮助我们从多个组件中访问和共享数据查询结果。 该项目是为网络开发人员提供的高质量开源软件。 用于状态管理、路由、数据可视化、图表、表格等的无头、类...
当我们使用Redux时,Redux-form看起来是一个很自然的选择,但后来他的核心开发者放弃了它; React-final-form,充满了未修复的bug,核心开发者也放弃了; Formik,现在挺流行的,但重了,处理大型表单速度很慢,功能也很有限; React-hook-form,速度很快,但有很多隐藏的Bug,并且文档写的很差。 使用React写表单很多年了,...
8.TanStack Query TanStack Query是一个基于React Hooks的轻量级查询库,它提供了简单易用的API来处理数据查询和数据变更的逻辑。 它的核心是QueryClient,它是一个全局状态管理器,可以帮助我们从多个组件中访问和共享数据查询结果。 该项目是为网络开发人员提供的高质量开源软件。 用于状态管理、路由、数据可视化、图表...
In the code above, we are working with four input fields, an email, a select, a checkbox, and a radio field.Formis a small wrapper around an HTML<form>element that automatically hooks into Formik’shandleSubmitandhandleReset. We will look into whatwithFormikdoes next. import{Form,Field,Er...
(node_modules)/**/}*.js\"" }, "dependencies": { "@aws-amplify/ui-react": "^6.1.6", "aws-amplify": "^6.0.21", "final-form": "^4.20.10", "flowbite-react": "^0.7.3", "next": "14.1.3", "react": "^18", "react-dom": "^18", "react-hook-form": "^7.51.1" },...
eslint-plugin-react-hooks@5.0.0 (Oct 11, 2024) This release only containseslint-plugin-react-hooks. Notably, new violations and support for ESLint v9 were added. eslint-plugin-react-hooks New Violations:Component names now need to start with an uppercase letter instead of a non-lowercase ...
As a final step, you may find it convenient to run watch-css automatically with npm start, and run build-css as a part of npm run build. You can use the && operator to execute two scripts sequentially. However, there is no cross-platform way to run two scripts in parallel, so we ...
huskymakes it easy to use githooks as if they are npm scripts. lint-stagedallows us to run scripts on staged files in git. See thisblog post about lint-staged to learn more about it. prettieris the JavaScript formatter we will run before commits. ...
Learn all about React Hooks with this hands-on guide. Includes tutorials and code examples on using hooks for state and effects, for context and for reducers (Redux), plus creating custom React hooks and what hooks are new in React.
FigAct converts Figma designs into responsive ReactJS source code, achieving a self-proclaimed 80% to 90% accuracy rate. The plugin translates design components to code components, supports React Router for frame navigations, and implements React Hooks for state management. ...