一、react-file-viewer的格式 1.1 react-file-viewer的文件格式支持 react-file-viewer支持预览的文件格式非常丰富,包括但不限于以下几种常见类型: - 文本文件:.txt、.doc、.docx、.xls、.xlsx、.ppt、.pptx等办公文档格式 - 图像文件:.jpg、.png、.gif、.bmp等常见图片格式 - 音频文件:.mp3、.wav、.flac...
The React File Manager (File Explorer) is a graphical user interface component for managing the file system that allows users to perform most common file operations, like accessing, editing, and sorting files or folders. This component provides easy navigation to select a file or folder from the...
{// Set initial files, type 'local' means this is a file// that has already been uploaded to the server (see docs)files:[{source:"index.html",options:{type:"local"}}]};}handleInit(){console.log("FilePond instance has initialised",this.pond);}render(){return(<FilePondref={ref=>(t...
import React from 'react'; import FileReaderComponent from './FileReaderComponent'; function App() { return ( File Reader Example <FileReaderComponent /> ); } export default App; 在上面的代码中,我们创建了一个名为FileReaderComponent的React函数组件。该组件包含一个input元素用于选择多个文件,以及...
npm install react-file-reader --save ChangeLog 1.1.4 adds disabled prop for input 1.1.3 adds the ability to accept multiple fileTypes as an array 1.1.2 fixes an issue where the same file couldn't be selected twice in a row 1.1.1 ...
) } } export default FormUploadOnly; 这个solution相对便捷有效而且还不用考虑跨域的问题,毕竟我们上传的文件终究还是要访问API接口;不过这种方法还有一个不方便的地方,就是form表单会默认跳转也就是会在浏览器访问你所提交文件的那个接口,这个行为处理起来很麻烦。这个问题笔者推荐通过一个iframe来解决。 文件...
The React File Saver component enables developers to save files locally on the client machine. Integrated into severalKendoReactUI components, the File Saver library can be imported into any React application and allows for files to be downloaded on the machine purely on the client side. For scen...
npm install react-fileupload --save API-CN options options:{ baseUrl:'xxx', ... } 作为FileUpload的属性传入。其属性为: 字段类型默认值说明 baseUrl string '' 目标域名 param object {} 作为get参数配置在域名之后 dataType 'json'/'text' 'json' 回应的格式 chooseAndUpload boolean false 是否在...
{// Set initial files, type 'local' means this is a file// that has already been uploaded to the server (see docs)files:[{source:"index.html",options:{type:"local"}}]};}handleInit(){console.log("FilePond instance has initialised",this.pond);}render(){return(<FilePondref={ref=>(t...
files.forEach((file) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (event) => { const fileContent = event.target.result; // 在这里可以对文件内容进行处理或上传到服务器 console.log(fileContent); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); ...