import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { AdDirective ...
2.index.js主要内容 import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from'prop-types'; const prefixCls= 'change-components'; const ChangeComponents= (props) =>{ const { componentName }=props; const dynamicLoadComponent= (component) =>{returnrequire(`../components/${component}/index`).default;}; c...
}render(){//const { pageType } = this.props; 这里的pageType是判断加载哪个子组件的条件//我们先假设一个pageType = firstComponent;//存在firstComponent这么一个文件夹里面有一个index.js组件letDynamicDetail=this.renderDetail(pageType);//动态拿到这个组件return(<DynamicDetail/>) }//子组件importReactf...
//存在firstComponent这么一个文件夹里面有一个index.js组件 let DynamicDetail = this.renderDetail(pageType); //动态拿到这个组件 return( <DynamicDetail /> ) }//子组件import React from 'react' export default class firstComponent extends React.Component{ render(){ return( NavMenu ) } }...
{ "plugins": ["react-imported-component/babel", "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node" /* might be optional for babel 7*/] }On the client:{ "plugins": ["react-imported-component/babel"] }Imported-Component will hook into dynamic imports, providing extra information about files you want to ...
import dynamic from 'umi/dynamic'; import PageLoading from '@/components/pageLoading'; // 加载中动画 interface IType { type: string, height: string | number, width: string | number, coId: number } const ManagerChart : typeof React.Component = dynamic({ loader:() => import ( /* webpa...
然后,在其他组件中引入DynamicComponent并将其作为子组件添加到父组件中: 代码语言:jsx 复制 import React from 'react'; import DynamicComponent from './DynamicComponent'; const ParentComponent = () => { const dynamicContent = '这是动态组件的内容'; return ( 父组件 <DynamicComponent content={dynamic...
thirdComponent /index ...但是我在⽗组件每次只需加载其中⼀个即可,我不想⼀次性导⼊⼤量的⼦组件,然后加判断筛选出对应组件。这样代码可能会⾮常多、杂(⽐如我有20个⼦组件,那么我要写20个import);于是我通过require动态载⼊ //⽗组件 renderDetail(mode,pageType){ let dynamicDetail = ...
Dynamic import()(stage 3 proposal) Class Fields and Static Properties(part of stage 3 proposal). JSXandFlowsyntax. Learn more aboutdifferent proposal stages. While we recommend using experimental proposals with some caution, Facebook heavily uses these features in the product code, so we intend ...
在React中动态导入模块可以使用ES6的import()函数来实现。import()函数是一个异步函数,可以动态地加载一个模块。 示例代码: importReact, { useState, useEffect }from'react';constMyComponent= () => {const[dynamicModule, setDynamicModule] =useState(null);useEffect(() =>{import('./DynamicModule').then...