onMoveEndmay be a function which will be called when the user drags and drops an item to a new position in the list. The arguments to the function will be(newList: Array<Object>, movedItem: Object, oldIndex: number, newIndex: number). A component using DraggableList should immediately st...
react-draggable-list This component lets you make a user re-orderable list that animates nicely so that the user can easily move large items: The above example can be tried here: https://streakyc.github.io/react-draggable-list/example/ ...
否则 ondrop 不会触发consthandleDragOver=(e:React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>)=>{e.preventDefault();};consthandleDrop=(e:React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>)=>{e.preventDefault();// 获取拖拽元素的组件类型consttype=e.dataTransfer.getData('text');// COMPONENT_LIST 定义了组件的数据格式,根据 ...
https://react-grid-layout.github.io/react-draggable/example/ https://github.com/react-grid-layout/react-draggable/blob/master/example/example.js importReactfrom'react';importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importDraggablefrom'react-draggable';classAppextendsReact.Component{ eventLogger =(e: MouseEvent, data...
In the below sample, we have rendered draggable list items. index.jsx index.tsx import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import * as React from 'react'; import { TreeViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-navigations'; function App() { //Define an array of JSON data let data...
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Container, Draggable } from 'react-smooth-dnd'; class SimpleSortableList extends Component { render() { return ( <Container onDrop={this.props.onDrop}> {this.props.items.map(item => { return ...
The <Draggable/> component transparently adds draggable to whatever element is supplied as this.props.children. Note: Only a single element is allowed or an Error will be thrown. For the <Draggable/> component to correctly attach itself to its child, the child element must provide support for...
TS2786:'DraggableCore'cannot be usedasa JSX component. Its instancetype'DraggableCore'isnota valid JSX element. The types returned by'render()'are incompatible between these types.Type'React.ReactNode'isnotassignabletotype'import("/home/ifnk/node_modules/@types/react/index").ReactNode'.Type'{...
React draggable component. Latest version: 4.4.6, last published: a year ago. Start using react-draggable in your project by running `npm i react-draggable`. There are 2218 other projects in the npm registry using react-draggable.
const ListItem: React.FC = () =>{return<>{childList.map((child:React.ReactElement,index:number)=>(1}onDragStart={(event:React.DragEvent<Element>) => onDragStart(event, index)}style={getDraggingStyle(index)}className={styles['list-item']}>{child}))}</>}const CoverMask: React.FC ...