import axios from 'axios'; import pdfjs from 'pdfjs-dist'; 创建一个下载PDF文件的函数,并在需要下载的地方调用该函数: 代码语言:txt 复制 const downloadPDF = () => { axios({ url: '', // 替换为实际的PDF文件URL method: 'GET', responseType: 'blob...
安装@react-pdf/renderer库:在您的React项目中,使用npm或yarn安装@react-pdf/renderer库。 创建PDF组件:在您的React应用中,创建一个组件来定义PDF的内容和样式。您可以使用@react-pdf/renderer库提供的组件和API来构建PDF文档。 创建PDF组件:在您的React应用中,创建一个组件来定义PDF的内容和样式。您可以使用@react...
4.添加导出API 在React app中,我们使用selector允许选择导出的类型,selector提供了,Xlsx, CSV, PDF, HTML, PNG, 5种导出格式。在导出的API中,需要用GcExcel构建Excel文件,把提交的数据填入到Excel的工作簿中。之后,根据前端传递的导出类型来生成文件,最后给前端返回,进行下载。 在GcExcel,可以直接通过workbook.sav...
e.preventDefault();letres"api/commitData", {...formData});if(res !==null) {setCount(; } };constdownload=async(e) => {letheaders = {'Content-Type':'application/json','Access-Control-Allow-Headers':'Content-Disposition'};letdata = {exportType: exportType }...
If you want to ensure that PDFs with non-latin characters will render perfectly, or you have encountered the following warning: Warning: The CMap "baseUrl" parameter must be specified, ensure that the "cMapUrl" and "cMapPacked" API parameters are provided. ...
yarn add @react-pdf/renderer React-pdf 渲染需要一些额外的依赖项和 webpack5 配置。 yarn add process browserify-zlib stream-browserify util buffer assert 这一步骤是因为 React-pdf 构建在 PDFKit 的基础之上,在使用浏览器时需要使用两个 node.js API polyfill。
在React组件中调用这个API: importReact,{useEffect,useState}from'react';importjsPDFfrom'jspdf';constReport=()=>{const[data,setData]=useState('');useEffect(()=>{fetch('/api/report').then(response=>response.text()).then(data=>setData(data));},[]);constgeneratePDF=()=>{constdoc=newjsPDF...
下载方法二:downloadHandler = () => { const url = '../action?id=3' window.location.href = url } 下载 缺点:get请求参数数据量较小时可以使用,但如果请求参数数据量较大时,一般使用post二.POST方式下载import React from 'react'; const Ajax = require('axios'); //server---start export function...
Canreact-to-printbe used to download a PDF without using the Print Preview window? Not directly. We aren't able to print a PDF as we lose control once the print preview window opens. However, it is possible to usereact-to-printto gather the content you want to print and pass it to...
The React PDF Viewer component ensures that every tool is accessible using the keyboard. Major operations like open file, page navigation, zoom ratio, add comments, show or hide annotation and form designer toolbars, print, anddownloadcan be done without any mouse interaction. This helps in cre...