vardebug={hello:"world"};varblob=newBlob([JSON.stringify(debug,null,2)],{type:'application/json'}); 应用 安装fileSaver(github地址) npm install file-saver--save // 引入模块importFileSaverfrom'file-saver';exportdefaultclassAppextendsComponent{// 点击下载downFile=()=>{;}// ...
response.blob().then(blob=>{letblobUrl =window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);letaElement =document.getElementById('downloadDiv');//获取a标签元素letfilename = times.formatNowDate() +'.zip';//设置文件名称aElement.href= blobUrl;//设置a标签路径 filename;;window....
import React from 'react'; const Ajax = require('axios'); //server---start export function request(url, options, isDemo = true) { //可删除---开始 只为演示用 if (isDemo) { let response = { data: {}, fileName: 'demo.xlsx', success: true, headers: { 'content-type': 'applicat...
import React from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; const FileDownloadButton = () => { const handleDownload = async () => { try { const response = await axios.get('/download-file', { responseType: 'blob', // 指定响应数据的类型为二进制 }); // 创建一个临时的URL对象,用于生成下...
那么,再写一个download的工具类 /* * 下载文件 * */functiondownload(content,filename){// 创建隐藏的可下载链接vareleLink=document.createElement('a');;'none';// 字符内容转变成blob地址varblob=newBlob([content]);eleLink.href=URL.createObjectURL(blob)...
Generate the XLSX file as a blob. Use FileSaver.js (saveAs) to initiate the file download. Step 4: Add the Component to Your App Include the XLSXDownload component in your main App.js or wherever you want to use it: Step 5: Test Your Application Start your React application if it's...
PDFDownloadLink 的道具 代码语言:javascript 复制 <PDFDownloadLink document={<InvoicePDF billFrom={billFrom} client={client} total={total} items={items} />} fileName={"Invoice.pdf"} > {({ blob, url, loading, error }) => loading ? "Loading..." : Print Invoice } </PDFDownloadLink>...
Otherwise, if a string starts with ReactNativeBlobUtil-file:// (which can simply be done by ReactNativeBlobUtil.wrap(PATH_TO_THE_FILE)), it will try to find the data from the URI string after ReactNativeBlobUtil-file:// and use it as the request body. To send the body as-is, sim...
I install blob-download-feature branch in my package.json, my webview is something like this <WebView source={{ uri: 'blob:https://xxx' }} startInLoadingState={true} javaScriptEnabled blobDownloadingEnabled allowFileAccess domStorageEnabled mixedContentMode='always' allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs...
react-native-fetch-blobA project committed to making file access and data transfer easier and more efficient for React Native developers.For Firebase Storage solution, please upgrade to the latest version for the best compatibility.FeaturesTransfer data directly from/to storage without BASE64 bridging ...