import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob'; 创建一个函数来处理文件下载。在该函数中,使用RNFetchBlob的config方法来配置下载文件的相关参数,例如URL、文件保存路径等。以下是一个示例函数: 代码语言:txt 复制 const downloadFile = () => { const fileUrl = '
* api_url:接口地址 * icon: 下载图片设置 * text: 下载文本设置 * downFileBtnClass: 按钮样式设置 */importReact, {PureComponent}from'react';importPropTypesfrom'prop-types';import{Button,Icon}from'antd';importUserfrom'/utils/user';importtimesfrom'_TOOLS_/times';importstylesfrom'./index.less';co...
可以根据文件的大小和分片大小来确定需要分割的片段数量。 使用XMLHttpRequest或Fetch API发送每个片段 使用XMLHttpRequest或Fetch API发送每个片段 在前端,可以使用XMLHttpRequest或Fetch API来发送每个片段。可以设置请求头部信息,包括文件名、分片索引等。可以监听上传进度事件,更新进度条。 在后端服务器端将片段合并成完...
/** * @desc:这是一个文件下载组件 * @param:参数说明 * api_url:接口地址 * icon: 下载图片设置 * text: 下载文本设置 * downFileBtnClass: 按钮样式设置 */importReact,{PureComponent}from'react';importPropTypesfrom'prop-types';import{Button,Icon}from'antd';importUserfrom'/utils/user';importtimes...
import React, { useState } from 'react'; const DownloadButton = () => { const [fileUrl, setFileUrl] = useState(''); const handleDownload = async () => { try { const response = await fetch('/api/download'); if (response.ok) { const blob = await response.blob(); const url =...
API download(source: string, target: string): Promise download file from source to target Example constURL='/path/to/remote/file'constDEST=RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPathconstfileName=''constheaders={'Accept-Language':'en-US'},DEST,fileName,headers).then((response)=>...
files={this.state.files}allowMultiple={true}allowReorder={true}maxFiles={3}server="/api"name="files"/* sets the file input name, it's filepond by default */oninit={()=>this.handleInit()}onupdatefiles={fileItems=>{// Set currently active file objects to this.statethis.setState({...
Core API react-konvasupports all shapes, thatKonvasupports with the same names, and also it supports all the same events likeclick,touchmove,dragend, etc with "on" prefix likeonClick,onTouchMove,onDragEnd. Getting reference to Konva objects ...
APIto download the list of to-dos from a REST service. We're usinghttps://jsonplaceholder.typicode.comas endpoint, which is a service that returns fake data for testing and development purposes. The fetch API is asynchronous, so we use the async / await approach (supported ...
downloadQuery(data, responseType = 'arraybuffer') { return request("/erp/api/query/data", { method: "POST", data, responseType }); } //server---end class Demo extends React.Component { //modal---start dowmloadQuery = async (data) => { const res = await downloadQuery(data); //...