我用react 官方的脚手架(create-react-app)搞了一个项目,但是在用到react-router时 一直报"react-router" dose not contain an export named "IndexRoute/Link/BrowserHistory";这个是我index.js的代码: 下面是我首页.js的代码 想请教一下大家 我是哪里写错了吗??react-router 有用1关注2收藏 回复 阅读10.6k ...
请安装 react router 2.0 版本,和课程保持一致。如果想学最新版本请看第二十章。 1 回复 相似问题目前react-router 里没有IndexRoute 组件,请问用什么代替 663 0 5 react-router-dom 6 没有StaticRouter 489 3 2 does not provide an export named 'createWebHashHistrory' 795 0 3 设置路由出了点...
“does admin”不包含名为“Query”的导出。 、 我正在尝试将<Query>组件集成到我的代码中,但是我得到了以下错误。 ./src/component/promos/PromosCreate.js 54:6-11 'react-admin' does not contain an export named 'Query'. 我在PromosCreate.js中的所有导入语句 import React, { Component, Fragment } f...
当我编译它的时候,我收到了一个错误'react-dnd' does not contain an export named 'DragDropContext'。我的react-dnd版本是最新的9.3.2import { DragDropContext } from 'react-dnd' import HTML5Backend 浏览150提问于2019-07-26得票数8 1回答
Hi, I'm trying to use a MultiSelect but keep getting'@blueprintjs/core' does not contain an export named 'MultiSelect'errors. I tried to update to v2 but every time I install Blueprint similar to@marekdlugosabove, I get the same errors: ...
React does not contain a renderer, ReactDOM does, so for this to be considered the "React plugin" and not the "React DOM plugin" it would need to support arbitrary renderers right? ljharb commentedon Feb 7, 2024 ljharbon Feb 7, 2024 ...
It's responsible for providing the scrollable content that users will interact with, plus any scroll events that could be used in an app.Our current content is relatively simple but does not contain anything that could be used in a real app, so let's change that....
To update an existing project to a new version ofreact-scripts,open the changelog, find the version you’re currently on (checkpackage.jsonin this folder if you’re not sure), and apply the migration instructions for the newer versions. ...
To create an application with multiple page routes, let's first start with the file structure.Within the src folder, we'll create a folder named pages with several files:src\pages\:Layout.js Home.js Blogs.js Contact.js NoPage.jsEach file will contain a very basic React component....
To update an existing project to a new version ofreact-scripts,open the changelog, find the version you’re currently on (checkpackage.jsonin this folder if you’re not sure), and apply the migration instructions for the newer versions. ...