React Developer Tools is a browser DevTools extension for the open-source React library. You will get two new tabs in your Edge DevTools: "Components ⚛" and "Profiler ⚛". The Components tab shows you the root React components that were rendered on the page, as well as the subcomponen...
Adds React debugging tools to the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools. Created from revision 44c3d3d665 on 2/7/2025.
1 打开Microsoft Edge,点击右侧的“...”,展开后选择“扩展”,如下图所示:2 在弹出的扩展对话框中,点击“打开Microsoft Edge外接程序网站”,如下图所示:3 浏览器打开一个Edge外接程序新页面,在左侧输入框中输入 React Devtools,然后根据搜索结果,单击“获取”,如下图所示:4 提示“将React Developer T...
In the meantime, a workaround would be to disable the Focus Mode experiment in DevTools settings, then close and reopen DevTools. This should restore the React extension tab on pages with React. Once the browser updates to Edge 100, you can manually reenable the Focus Mode experiment in DevT...
Redux DevTools Chrome 的扩展地址在 Firefox 的扩展地址在 IE 的扩展地址在 这里还有一个小技巧,如果不想使用 Edge 还是想使用 Chrome,又不会科学上网,可以将 Edge 中下载好的扩展导入进 Chrome。 具体的操作方法为: 在Edge 的浏览...
在Chrome 中调试项目,展示了如何利用 Chrome DevTools 的强大功能。 在VS Code 中调试项目,重点介绍了 VS Code 的 Debugger 功能,包括设置断点、单步执行、监视变量等,在编码环境中直接进行调试。 通过这五个部分的系统性学习,不仅能够理解 React 调试的基础知识,还能掌握在 VS Code 和 Chrome 中进行高效调试的实用...
Using the Run Element Inspector Command Palette command you can launch React DevTools in the extension. Inspector will enter a special collapsed mode, and use the DevTools as primary UI. In this mode, clicking on something in the emulator will bring up the relevant components in the DevTools: ...
访问DevTools,首先用 Chrome 打开一个 web 页面或 web 应用,也可以通过下面的方式: 在浏览器窗口的右上方选择 Chrome 菜单, 然后选择更多工具 > 开发者工具。 在页面上任意元素上右键,然后选择审查元素。 DevTools 窗口会在 Chrome 浏览器的底部(默认是在底部)打开。
React DevTools is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Here is a Chrome screenshot of what it looks like: Using an error boundary An error boundary is a visual logging tool that lets you ringfence issues with‘something went wrong’messages for your users...
React DevTools is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Here is a Chrome screenshot of what it looks like: Using an error boundary An error boundary is a visual logging tool that lets you ringfence issues with‘something went wrong’messages for your users...