下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕ 搜索“react”的结果53 个扩展 按类型筛选 Extensions SidebarApps Themes React Developer Tools (55) Adds React debugging tools to the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools. Created from revision c7c68ef842 on 10/15/2024. React Context DevTool (5) Devtool for React Context ...
Steps to reproduce: Install React Dev Tools extension from https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/react-developer-tools/gpphkfbcpidddadnkolkpfckpihlkkil Open a page that uses React in development mode Open dev tools with F12 E...
React 15.4.0 介绍了一种新的性能 timeline 特性可以让你看到组件安装、更新和卸载的时间,你还可以看到相关可视化组件的生命周期。 注:现在,该功能只适用于Chrome,Edge 和 IE,因为它实用的 User Timing API 尚未在所有浏览器上实现。 如何运行: 打开你的 app 并附加查询参数: react_perf。例如,http://localhost...
这种方式定制性比较高。如果想更直观比较哪些组件render更耗时,可以使用React Dev Tools中Profiler面板的火...
www.oschina.net/translate/make-react-fast-again-tools-and-techniques-for-speeding-up-your-react-app React 已经比较快了,但使用时仍很容易犯些小错误,导致其性能下降。组件挂载慢,组件树层级过深以及没必要的循环渲染都会让app感觉很慢。 幸亏有很多工具(有些甚至内置在 React 中)能帮助诊断性能问题。在这...
七、安装dev-tools调试工具 Edge插件下载链接 八、封装axios工具模块 安装axios :npm i axios 创建utils/http.js 文件 utils/http.js import axios from 'axios' const http = axios.create({ ...
We are talking about the best React tools. The first best tool that comes on the list is none other than React Dev Tools, and it is an open-source, MIT-licensed tool developed and maintained by Meta. React Developer Tools is a browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge that...
Then, download the Preact Devtools extension for your browser: Firefox Chrome Edge Contributing Usenpm run devto start a demo page Usenpm run watchto rebuild all extensions on any code changes Usenpm run build:firefoxornpm run build:chrometo create a release build ...
There are many tips for Chrome Dev Tools, but not all of them are useful for React. Here I cover five Dev Tools tips tailored for React development.
Zusätzliche Ressourcen Die offizielle React-Dokumentation bietet alle aktuellen Informationen zu React. Microsoft Edge Add-Ons für React Entwicklertools: Fügt Ihren Microsoft Edge- Entwicklungstools zwei Registerkarten hinzu, die Sie bei der React-Entwicklung unterstützen: Komponenten und Profiler.Ar...