npm i --save react-d3-tree Usage importReactfrom'react';importTreefrom'react-d3-tree';// This is a simplified example of an org chart with a depth of 2.// Note how deeper levels are defined recursively via the `children` property.constorgChart={name:'CEO',children:[{name:'Manager',...
npm i --save react-d3-tree@1 Usage importReactfrom'react';importTreefrom'react-d3-tree';constmyTreeData=[{name:'Top Level',attributes:{keyA:'val A',keyB:'val B',keyC:'val C',},children:[{name:'Level 2: A',attributes:{keyA:'val A',keyB:'val B',keyC:'val C',},},...
To set up react-d3-tree for local development, clone the repo and follow the steps below:# 1. Set up the library, create a reference to it for symlinking. cd react-d3-tree npm i npm link # 2. Set up the demo/playground, symlink to the local copy of `react-d3-tree`. cd ...
react-d3-tree是一个React组件,它利用D3.js的tree布局算法,将层次结构的数据(如族谱、组织结构图、文件目录等)以交互式的树形图形式展示出来。这个组件非常适合用于构建关系图谱,因为它能够清晰地表达实体之间的层级和关联关系。 2. 学习如何使用react-d3-tree来创建关系图谱...
1.Install from NPM npm install --save react-d3-treemap 2. Import and use in your application importTreeMapfrom"react-d3-treemap";// Include its styles in you build process as wellimport"react-d3-treemap/dist/react.d3.treemap.css"; ...
npm install reactflow Quick Start This is only a very basic usage example of React Flow. To see everything that is possible with the library, please refer to thewebsiteforguides,examplesand the fullAPI reference. import{useCallback}from'react';importReactFlow,{MiniMap,Controls,Background,useNo...
+# yarn lockfile v1 + + +"@ant-design/colors@^6.0.0": + version "6.0.0" + resolved "" + integrity sha512-qAZRvPzfdWHtfameEGP2Qvuf838NhergR35o+EuVyB5XvS...
npm create vite@latest my-vue-app -- --template react# Create a react project with TypeScript supportnpm create vite@latest my-vue-app -- --template react-ts 如果你已经熟悉 React,那么可以选择使用目前最流行的 Meta 框架之一的Next.js。Next.js 基于 React 进行构建。另外一个流行的替代方案是Rem...
1). 使用react脚手架创建项目 2). 开发环境运行: npm start 3). 生产环境打包运行: npm run build serve build 3. git管理项目 1). 创建远程仓库 2). 创建本地仓库 a. 配置.gitignore b. git init c. git add . d. git commit -m "init" 3). 将本地仓库推送到远程仓库 git remote add origi...