React component for building accessible menu, dropdown, submenu, context menu, and more. - szhsin/react-menu
ReactJS是一种用于构建用户界面的JavaScript库。它通过组件化的方式,使得开发者可以轻松地构建可重用的UI组件。React ContextMenu是ReactJS中的一个插件,用于创建滚动条后面的菜单。 滚动条后面的菜单是指当用户滚动页面时,出现在滚动条旁边的菜单。这种菜单通常用于提供额外的功能或导航选项,以增强用户体验。 Rea...
它能够将Markdown文本转换为相应的HTML元素,让你在应用中轻松展示和处理Markdown内容。React Markdown的优势易于使用:React Markdown提供了简单的接口,使得在React应用中渲染Markdown变得轻而易举。高度灵活:支持通过插件扩展功能,可以自定义渲染规则,满足特定需求。安全性:内置防止XSS攻击的机制,确保渲染的内容安全...
react-contextmenu- Context Menu implemented in React. rc-menu- React Menu. Sticky Fixed headers / scroll-up headers / sticky elements react-sticky- <Sticky /> component for awesome React apps. react-headroom- Hide your header until you need it. ...
复制 importReactfrom'react';import{Menu,Item,useContextMenu}from'react-contexify';import'react-contexify/dist/ReactContexify.css';functionApp(){const{show}=useContextMenu({id:'menu_id',});functionhandleContextMenu(event){event.preventDefault();show(event);}functionhandleItemClick({event,props,...
A GLOB pattern with a context details object Use the following context values: framework: vue, angular, react, svelte, astro angular-template-syntax: V_2, V_17 nextjs-project: nextjs astro-project: astro vue-store: vuex, pinia vue-class-component-library: vue-class-component, vue -property...
The Syncfusion React UI components library offers more than 85 cross-platform, responsive, and lightweight components for building modern web applications.
Meet even the strictest requirements for performance, design and UX, accessibility, and so much more with this customizable, designer and developer-friendly React UI library. Play with the demo to see KendoReact in action! Get the Code & Design ...
// for window listeners<ReactWindowonClick={()=>{console.log("Hello world!");}}/> Demo and Changelog Demo Changelog The library is inspired bysvelteand is available with the following features: Simplifies management of window (and body) event listeners. ...
Maintainers: @petebray — a fast Vite-based React framework that is flexible, lean, community-driven and dependable. Contributing Please review ourcontributing guidelines. We keep this list fresh byrequiring all PRs to remove one or more non-awesome entries from this list. Please ONLY PR a new...