在TypeScript中,你可以使用泛型和接口来定义组件的children属性。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 import React from 'react'; interface MyComponentProps { // 其他属性... children?: React.ReactNode; // 使用React.ReactNode来表示children可以是任何React节点 } const MyComponent: React.FC...
<MyComponentCorrect title="Hello">My children</MyComponentCorrect> ); // Error: // Type '{ children: string; title: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & MyComponentProps'. // Property 'children' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & MyComponentProps'. 直接在...
children: React.ReactNode; }; type ButtonState = { isOn: boolean; }; class Button extends React.Component<ButtonProps, ButtonState>{ static defaultProps = { label: "Hello World!" }; state = { isOn: false }; toggle = () => this.setState({ isOn: !this.state.isOn }); render() {...
在@types/react中已经预定义一个类型type SFC<P>,它也是类型interface StatelessComponent<P>的一个别名,此外,它已经有预定义的children和其他(defaultProps、displayName等等…),所以我们不用每次都自己编写! 所以最后的无状态组件是这样的: import React, { MouseEvent, SFC } from 'react'; type Props = { o...
例如,获取props中的id,需要在 componentDidMount和 componentDidUpdate 中同时定义;监听函数也需要在 componentDidMounted和componentWillUnmount中监听和注销 3.react组件一直是函数,使用Hook完全拥抱函数 ## State Hook 新建一个likeBotton.tsx 文件【点赞按钮】 ...
React.FC 即 React.FunctionComponent 的简写,它没有明显好处却存在几个主要缺点:提供隐式定义 props.children ,意味着所有组件都可接受 children ,但实际可能并不需要;在 component as namespace pattern (使用组件作为相关组件(常为子组件)的命名空间)中(如 <Select.Item /> ),使用 React.FC 没有...
@kachkaev Updated above post with arrow functions: interface RestrictedProps { children?: never; } function Restricted(props: RestrictedProps): React.ReactElement | null { return <div />; } const Restricted2: React.FunctionComponent<RestrictedProps> = () => <div />; // Type 'string' is ...
Declaring thechildrenprop asReactNodeis a perfectly viable option, but if you want to trim your code even further, you can useReact.FC.React.FCis a standard type for components written using the arrow function. As you probably guessed,FCstands for “Functional Component. " ...
In fact, many people write function components like this in TypeScript. However, the reason why you might want to use a generic type like FC is that this comes with all the typings that you could possibly need for a function component. This includes, for example, the implicit children ...